
This. Fast food breakfast was something I justified to myself when I was rushing to get to work and saving a few minutes getting an egg mcmuffin was going to mean the difference whether I was prepared for my 9 AM meeting or not. No commute, no rush, no need. I can’t even imagine what would drive me to leave my own

Are breakfast and coffee an integral part of people’s days, or did chains simply make the whole proposition cheap and easy enough that people got into the habit of going to fast food restaurants every day?

I mean, if I don’t have to be at a place by a time there’s no reason to rush to a place and get necessities (food, coffee) on the way because procuring them at home would take too long.  If I have basically unlimited time at home (hooray pandemic?) I can make my own egg mcmuffin.  Or just eat grape nuts or something.

just find something to make that I’ve never done before. Like, I up and decided to make Sohla’s Aji Amarillo Chicken one day, which meant I had to order aji amarillo paste and go get coconut oil, coconut milk, and squash.  But man, was it good.

Also, and this is really important . . . get a gauge on when you hit the wall on cooking/eating your own cooking. For our household, it’s about 7-10 days. So once we’ve eating home cooking for about a week, I’ll change things up by getting carryout. Sushi and Biryani have been popular takeout options.

I don’t care how much you hate your job or how “important” you are. I don’t care if other people are supposedly worse. It’s no excuse to be an eternally toxic asshole to your employees.

He did! And he negged me too. This was back when I was on Twitter. He had DMed me because I lived in DC.

HR? Really?

People did go to HR, and were shown the door shortly after.

The people behind the scenes of Ellen’s show aren’t working in bumblefuck with no unionization or human resources. They’re grown ass people that I’m sure have held other positions before they got hired for the Ellen show. If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.

“Actually, being around me is a privilege” sounds exactly like what any garden variety malignant narcissist would say. Sweet and wonderful to the world at large, and a devil at home and to anyone unlucky enough to fall into their orbit as a dependent (think children, spouses, & employees).

That is why she doesn’t allow subordinates to look her in the eye, her greatness would blind an ordinary peon.

Maxwell’s much more thorough, clever, and paranoid than Epstein was. There’s a non-zero chance there are hundreds of safe deposit boxes and caches secreted all over the globe with “in case of my death, open and distribute” instructions attached to them.

I figured Ghislaine would have had an “accident” or something before any of this actually came out. Glad that the monsters didn’t snuff the majordomo before this stuff came to light.

Maybe she’s not ignoring you because she’s overwhelmed but simply because you’ve grown apart, or because you have created a dynamic in which you’re the strong, supportive one who has her life together and she’s always in distress and eventually that becomes very tedious for both parties.

This, this, this.

Agreed. My husband was asking how people marry these assholes in the first place, let alone have kids with them, but I think you can’t understand how shitty a parent someone will be until at least you are pregnant. If they won’t even help during the pregnancy, there’s no way they’re changing diapers, getting up with

Why even have kids? I don’t get it.

I used to watch men wandering around the halls at work after 5 or 6 p.m.for no other reason than they were avoiding their families.

I was already irrationally angry, fully on principle, with a person I have never heard of and then came this;we’re proud to have optimized the chocolate chip eating experience” and now I’m willing to do jail time in advance so I’m given the opportunity to deliver an unannounced kick to this guy’s groin with a steel-t