
Yoga with Adrienne has been my savior this entire quarantine. She’s so sweet/dorky and is one of the few online instructors that I’ve seen that is really good about explaining how to check that you’re doing correct form at home. Highly recommend all of her stuff

I’m rocking a ton of preacher curls. Like every night, around 5, I just start curling, and it goes for hours. Rather than a dumbbell, I use a cylindrical weighted object. It starts heavy, but soon feels lighter and lighter. It’s a can. It’s filled with beer. I’m just drinking a lot.

I have recently discovered a former (extremely thirsty) coworker of mine is a fitness influencer. She does squats in spandex and tells people to eat clean. She has enough followers that she has a few sponsors. Getting paid for bending over is kind of a good deal. But on the flip side, there are pictures of her tush

And hubby and tummy. But chummy is ok. 

One summer I was working at a really isolated field station, and one of my colleagues had some box set of Billy Blanks DVDs, and we did those videos every frickin’ day.  By the end of the season we’d yell all his lines along with him.  I had completely forgotten about that, I’m going to look these up!

Jack LaLanne’s wife’s name was Elaine, and I think that’s great.

I hate the word yummy, I just hate it!

I have a strong dislike of fitness gurus or whatever who make big promises regarding results.

I was 27 and slept with a 60 year old widow. She knew what she wanted and so was I. After awhile, you can't use that "he's a baby" bullshit as an excuse. He wanted her, she was hurting and needed some attention. It goes both ways. So for him to open his gob because he wants to sell some albums is bullshit. Kissing and

1, fuck August.

I wouldn’t want John Lewis mentioned in Dirt Bag.  This is a gossip article, and he is much more deserving of an article that is just about him, and his life.

I mean, he might be a rich, privileged jerk, but he supports BLM and police reform, realizes COVID is An Actual Thing, reportedly doesn’t want any more kids, and is now single. Pros outweigh the cons for me. Yo, Armie! Hit me up!

I have it on good authority that not only are you wrong about Armie Hammer (he’s a nice guy), but also if they did break up due to a BLM disagreement then it most definitely is not him who disagrees with the movement.

I currently work in domestic law. The second this quarantine started, we braced for more work. We have not been wrong. Major events do this: Katrina, the 2008 economic downturn, etc. It’s inevitable.

...but I’ve always gotten the impression that playing the Winkelvoss twins was not a stretch for him...”

“Experts” said we’d see a lot of quarantine breakups. I mean if the Hammers couldn’t make it while being holed up in the Caymans, how are us normals in our cramped apartments supposed to? Or maybe she just realized he’s a rich privileged jerk. He’s pretty to look at but I’ve always gotten the impression that playing

I read another article on their downfall that was pretty interesting - and documented how they pretty much didn’t know their customer and that mistake cost them everything.

The aesthetic is less hippie and more upper-middle-class patron of the arts or even arts teacher—a proudly progressive NPR listener, with a predilection for organic foods who drives a boxy Volvo station wagon with a bumper sticker imploring the public to “visualize whirled peas.”

yeah but it's never wrong to do two hands, like if someone's younger than you and you do two hands they won't think you're like bringing yourself down to their level or anything you just seem like a magnanimous guy. Also it can be hard to tell Korean's ages between like 19-32 and seeing that I fall in that age range I

Two hands if the person has seniority over you, otherwise you can use as many hands as you please.