Where can I donate to Connor’s college fund?
Where can I donate to Connor’s college fund?
It’s possible the GOP Congress will succeed in their gleeful dismantling of America’s democratic institutions, but the ineptitude of the Trump transition team might be our saving grace: the incoming administration has made only a tiny fraction of the 1,200 federal appointments needing Senate confirmation, so a…
Of course we deserved him. We elected him twice! We chose him to lead us, and he fucking did it! He led the country when the roof fell in on everyone, and he (sometimes) mitigated what damage the Bush administration did. He got the stimulus package passed in 2009 which saved countless jobs (teachers, firefighters,…
And the 82 months of consistent job growth is also the longest in American history.
I agree that we didn’t deserve him. We were very lucky for eight years, luckier than we know.
On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender…
Of course not! The answer is that the whole thing about crucifixes and garlic being a bane to vampires is a hoax encouraged by vampires themselves for protection. Because if the general population believes that they’re effective deterrents, it helps real vampires pass as non-supernatural when they don’t react to…
*shrugs* Could be good, right? I don’t hate Annie. Don’t love her, but whatever, and at least it’s a fresh concept.
I think this movie looks great.
If there’s anything we can learn from Enya, it’s that when you’re voice is that remixed, you don’t go out on tour.
I’d die if she switched it up at the last second and sang “Papa Don’t Preach.”
I really, really, REALLY hope that it is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than 2012. I know there will still be tons of people, but there’s no way it can be close. And I will dance and cackle with glee as we take over on Saturday.
Tiffy girl is going to end up writing one whopper of a memoir some day. I picture her lurking silently in the background during her daddy’s diatribes and freak-outs, then scurrying back to her room in the maids’ quarters and writing all that shit down.
HOLY SHIT! Please let that be the disaster I dream it will be!
Sounds like these ladies need to bootstrap it and learn to do their own hair and makeup. Like us plebes do.
Tiffany might be able to squeak out a little more from the budget as a “Performer”
I mean, Ivana seems to think she should now be appointed the ambassador to the Czech Republic—which I could see happening. So, you know, entitlement.