
Could God be telling us to pollute less?

Vincent Adultman: the completely stupid gift that nevertheless keeps on giving.

I had no idea that was Angelica Huston. If I’d noticed that the first time around, I’d probably have been less suprised when it turned to be the actual Naomi Watts.

Exactly. Bojaack did a shitty, shitty thing. It’s not then up to Herb to get in touch with Bojack and work through it, see if Bojack wants to apologise. The ball was in Bojack’s court and he avoided it for 20 years until faced with the realisation that Herb could die without easing Bojack’s conscience about what

As much as I love this show, I have to regularly remind myself not to think to much about the biology of animalpeople.

“ hands are really sticky uhhh”

The barrel of Nguyen Chum inadvertantly bouncing around Boston until it hones in on Derek Jeter helping an old lady across the street is a very Simpsons-style joke.

The Piece of Shit Funeral Package - he didn’t try, so why should you?

The personalities ascribed to the names Zoe and Zelda always felt backwards to me. Like Zelda should be the serious one and Zoe the happy, silly one rather than the way it is in the episode. After much pop culture soul searching, I’ve pinned this down to being one of two reasons:

omigawd, you are such a Zoe.

Thinking about this too much has just led me to the realisation that there are no pets in this world, nor has there ever been. WHAT DO THEY DO FOR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?

I have dibs on the gold guns when we ransack the office in Chicago.

Juliane wasn’t the only survivor of the crash, just the only survivor of the rainforest. Once the wreckage was searched, it was discovered that at least 14 other passengers survived the initial crash—Koepcke’s mother among them—but they were too badly hurt to traverse the jungle in search of help as she had.

Maybe not Batman but at the very least one of the better Robins.

It was also left really ambiguous whether her horn could still glow, point to the nearest rainbow and play rave music.