
"I should probably get around to it. I'll start watching in March."
Oh I thinks not, @GuyIncognitoII:disqus, I thinks not.

"tool is good because some times you want metallica except about fuckin… shell spirals and all the calculator buttons that arent normal"

Google "Phil Robertson".

This would have never happened on the old Gameowlogical.

That was one of the best point-and-lick shooters of the year.

It's the one she got mad at because they apparently made Ellie look too much like her.

Here's to hoping Red Dot gets a better rework.

"what's that bitch?? you say twitter is a "vacuous cesspool of lackadaisical platitudism"? yeah, i can make up words too: blublubludgyuhgh"

He really is under-appreciated. Looking forward to seeing him in Inherent Vice.

Made me think of this

"Praise be unto Jesus, owned so epically on the Cross so that we may not
be similarly Owned & who on the 3rd day turned Epic Fail to epic Win"

Yeah, you're right. Then I should say that Beyond the Hills is his first full-length project since then.

Come to think of it, with the whole Kinect thing, it sounds more like HAL 9000. Constant surveillance, facial recognition — who knows, maybe it even botches chess games.

"The Xbox One designers believe they can offset the box’s monolithic nature by-" wait, stop right there. I just had an idea for a 2001 remake.

I still don't know what I think about it. Anything written by Cormac McCarthy is going to get attention, but it's kind of frustrating to see people so clearly overlooking the movie's flaws. It's a bit too hazy on some things (The Counselor's motivations, besides just greed; The Counselor's name, the purpose of some of

About #17, Beyond The Hills:

"wussat? you think my sex beliefs are wrong? well,*tries to point to
"THINK AGAIN BUSTER" written on back of shirt but my arms are too

I was… mainly referring to her in season 3 (can I say that?).

Oh, and since you bring up C.P. Snow, it reminded me of this Thomas Pynchon article, in case you haven't read it.