
Whoever did the costumes for The Counselor deserves an award just for making Javier Bardem look like he survived a nuclear meltdown at the Versace plant.

"Waiter? Instead of unlimited breadsticks can I get a finite but indefinitely large number of breadsticks? I draw a philosophical distinction."

If only Thomas Pynchon-inspired names became popular….

Jesus Christ Marie, they're minerals.

It's things like this that make you appreciate the new commenting system.

No need - I carry my liquor in an ankle flask.

Then what's next, post-comedy?

Does that mean I'll never be able to ride around mountain view in a cherry picker firing a t-shirt cannon at anyone in tech company clothing?

"I step into the cave. I see a man in high heel shoes stepping on a carton of milk while other men in suits yell at him and throw coins."

He also has The Bugle every week, but that's rarely brought up.

But Breaking Bad has the fact that it had its last (half) season this year going for it.