Let The Wild Rumpus Start

I already watched that video too. And yeah, i ended up focusing on it for a good week, worrying that it might happen to me, etc. Took alot to break that thought cycle.

no problem, If we get harper out in October you are more than welcome. If we cant get him out, we will soon be like the states, so you might have a reprieve for a couple years at most

All kidding aside, do some self care. Watch some kitten videos, go for a walk, read a book or whatever you need to focus your mind away

Seriously WTF. At least the station that i watch here in Canada gives a warning before hand that the next video some viewers might find disturbing.
Going to have to call my Tante and see if she saw it, fingers crossed she didnt.

Arm chair opinion from the multiple sociology, psychology and etc classes I took at uni:
Im going to guess it is because most men are raised to be stoic and strong and mainly and getting help would be perceived as a weakness. and that there is a lack of resources out there for people with possible PTSD. Numbers might

Friends cat was killed last month the same way. He liked to sit outside in their backyard and would never go over the fence

I already posted this in reply to another comment, but it is probably buried by now. For everyone who is thinking of watching the video/has watched the video

WATCHING HORRIFIC VIDEOS ON REPEAT ONLINE CAN CAUSE PTSD. So watching all the news videos about this or all the new about any other mass event can be harmful to

Knowing that watching horrific events on video can cause forms of PTSD, i dont recommend that tactic (I agree that everyone should be angry about this and pushing for change)

Sauce for the PTSD related to the online videos (article itself has to do with the beheading videos, but it quotes a study done on more than just

No worries :) you were defending something you love. It is understandable.

Because after I was abused all I wanted was to be counselled in front of cameras and have it broadcasted all over the world so that the whole world could judge that my skirt was too short/should have fallen asleep/whatever else people say when victim blaming.
Fingers crossed that noone takes them up o this pitch (if

You replied with ‘don’t you wish the peasants would go away’ so I understood that part to imply that I was thinking I was above the people who were trying to make ends meet, etc. So rich/peasants.

But seeing a giant black guy walking around as Dora with the head off was AMAZING! And really, unless you take a pic and didn’t tip, they just hung out.


Umm, other than saying the card snappers were annoying (because having a card snapped in your face IS annoying), nothing else was said against them. So no idea why you are up in arms. They are doing their job, I’m allowed to find that job annoying (don’t know the people doing said job, so obviously any comment is

I friggen LOVE Vegas.
Been there 4 times and planning trip number 5 and 6 (Star Trek convention next August anyone :P)
I have yet to gamble there, oddly enough. My hubby and I love the food and the fact that i, as a celiac, was able to get fresh gluten free ravioli from Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant under Luxor *drool* and

Late to the party!
I have a friend who was on birth control, stage 4 intestinal cancer (with radiation to the belly), full period, and got a negative on several pregnancy test that they had her take before treatments.
She was about to start her next round of treatments and they did one more pregnancy test. And that is


all the stars

Yup, I was hella confused.

As a woman who lifts, I am envious of her arms, and torso, and well... all her muscle.
The only reason I would be calling her huge was to point out how huge and awesome her muscles are. Seriously. I want to be that jacked. (Ectomorph body type sucks when you want to put on muscle, even more so for ladies)

even then i cant. Ive had cross contamination sick, usually lasts a couple days with moderate glass in intestines feeling and lovely hourly visits to the bathroom. Ive also had a restaurant feed me a full gluten meal after saying it was gluten free (the gravy wasn’t even that good!) and i was out of commission for a