Let The Wild Rumpus Start

That is why i said ideally and that it is fighting to support the ego of others and that non combatants often get in the cross fire.
ideally we should only hunt for what we need and not just for sport (or farm animals, etc)
ideally only those who have signed up for duty should see combat
ideally we should be able to

If hunting for food? Cleanly and as painfree as possible is the ‘ideal’.
If someone were to kill me, it is the best i could hope for.
(I buy my food as local as i can from farmers who have been certified by the SPCA and like organizations. So i trust that they are doing what i mentioned above (killing as quickly and

I dont trust the person who raped me, I avoid them at all cost. Problem is that he is my brother and my parents dont know. So I get lectured alot about how I should love my brother as he is family.
As for other people... i have to remind myself that I either live as a recluse and avoid everyone for fear of it

Ok so i hyper stared your post because Kinja wasn’t letting me star it so i naturally clicked like mad, then they all went through....

And you beat me to the age thing. The kids are quite young. Some of the storied being given could be from when they are younger still. So boundary talks may have been have and sailed

Point number 1 from this article…
Actually touched on why that is:

‘A 2009 Princeton University-based study led by psychologist Susan Fiske revealed how commonplace objectifying women — especially those who reveal their bodies in any way — truly is.

Probably because those are the same troglodytes that dont completely understand the concept of consent.
JL consented to the VF shoot and the publication of those pictures. She did not consent to the ‘publication’ of the hack photos.

Oh wow... If she is a nurse, that terrifies me.
Seriously, genetics should be a basic class that is taught thought out ones school career. I remember being in elementary and learning about genetic traits like hair and eyes and learning that it is involuntary.

But people need something to blame. They dont like that

But the rest of us dont want them!!
Cant we, I dont know, send them to mars? or something?

I have a friend who has a child on the spectrum (she vaccinates both her children) so I see second hand the stuff she goes though to get her kid ready for the big world. To make sure she has all the tools and that they as parents have all the tools. It can be a terrifying thing. Not know why or how your child was born

Now if my sex ed class had used this instead, im pretty sure we all would have paid alot more attention.

“Guided by my faith, I believe in traditional marriage. I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing

The quotes used buy your link read like an onion article.
I almost started laughing, then I remembered that people whole heatedly believe that stuff.

I love my dork

Considering there is also a good chance that the finished product was also photshopped to the nine hells. (who am i kidding. it is a fashion ad. It HAS been photoshopped to the nine hells.)

I have a friend who is barrel chested whose chest looks the same. Even at her largest (which admittedly wasn’t that large) at a size 8, you could still see the ribs of her chest because they jutted out. And her DD’s didnt ‘disguise’ it either. It is just how she is built.

The model could be naturally built that way, or

That vanity fair treated her just like everyone else and photo shopped her all to hell could be seen as a ‘good’ thing. They didnt treat her any different than they have/would any other individual who is put on the cover.

And these ‘activists’ are enraging me. By transitioning publicly (be it through TV, articles,

‘A high-level state report released in 2013 found that the building was constructed with substandard materials in violation of building codes’

This is what the Wiki told me:

Unless the “Haha, you’re going to get a back massage, he’s a kicker!” was used as an opening for a preemptive apology and an offer to switch seats, i would have stared at him open mouthed.

Yeah a parent/guardian may have been trying to stop a kid from kicking the back of a seat on a previous flight. But as you said the new people on the connection flight dont know that. Personally i have had 2 upper body reconstructive surgeries that have left me with some hella arthritis and a bunch of other issues. I