
totally agree with you, ive been to japan a few times already and gambling and panchinko machines are all at a all time high. Konami will keep on rolling for years to come.

Osaka is like the L.A. of Japan and Tokyo is like New York. . I definitely enjoyed my stay there.

just like in every country something will always look shitty lol Japan has some amazing looking food that tastes delicious. Now if you are from america shitty looking food is always around the corner lol.

you’re so right, I had some great eats at Akihabara.

I’m so mad i was just in Akihabara two weeks ago :/ I would’ve seriously dropped a coin in that cafe.

its funny I JUST came back from japan last week. Honestly this poll should be called the whiners list because I had very little to no problems at all in japan concerning these things. Tourists need to realize this is not their country THIS IS JAPAN. Japan rolls very different from other cultures especially someone

They should make a A Bill & Ted’s Awesome Poke Adventure!


The Division was fun while it lasted for me. Honestly I stopped playing the Division for a month and half now and I dont miss one bit. But to be fair theres not enough time in my schedule as it is so the grinding was definitely an issue for me. I wish i was teenager again so i would have all the time in the world.

I remember when I was an ATI only fan, but now Nvidia is King. I remember when I was 15 years old and my mother bought me my first ATI Video card back in 02' thats when True PC gaming became real to me. good times.

To be honest for someone like me that has never player any warcraft games the movie was ok in 3D. Its a good rental for sure for anyone that hasnt seen it yet. Im glad its grossing because I want a starcraft movie from them lol

I’m sure Tracer porn trumps all categories.

I do IT work for a chemical plant and I pretty much see this every day and i cant help to think of FFVII every single time. awesome photos by the way!

Honestly the Dark Zone is getting boring. Im at level 54, grinding in six small dark zones everyday is getting boring, it seriously makes you want to rogue to add some spark to the game.

The Dark zone at first can be really overwhelming especially if you are a low level. In my opinion you need to roll with a party of friends or make some friends in the DZ and avoid rogues at all costs. my friends and i did it until we had good enough gear to challenge those rogues. Now going back to the Dark zone is

the fact that every floor on this level looked that same, it was to the point of being unbearable. Nonetheless, thanks for the trip in memory lane it makes me miss whole day or all nighter LAN parties back in the day. good times.

Talking to both sides of this debate. Seriously... if you are going to let this stupid “pose” ruin your fun which has nothing to do with the core mechanics of the game or anything of the sort. If it impedes you from playing Overwatch at its maximum then you need to re-evaluate your life.

Ive been to PAX multiple times and in order to really enjoy the expo and try new games is to buy the 3 day pass because the lines are so long you can spend half your day just to play 5-15 minutes of one game which is ridiculous.

sorry you live in a country like that where pay is very low, but pirating is not a fair excuse. Handing a free game to you maybe charity, but once that door opens that door opens to EVERYONE rich or poor which means every can get their hands on it and not spend a dime to help support the people that made the game in