
Exactly. If White Jews want to be offended by some shit, be offended by how other White Jews treat Palestinians, Ethiopian Jews, etc. They can miss me with all this fake outrage about being assumed to be rich. (P.S. to the trolls, I’m a Black Jew, so take a knife and fork and eat dick. Happy Holidays to everyone else!)

Its funny how quick some Jews are to hop on any perceived opportunity to be offended (especially by black people) and will be QUICK to act like we should feel solidarity with them but they could give a fuck less about bigotry against anyone but their own

Its funny how quick some Jews are to hop on any perceived opportunity to be offended (especially by black people) and will be QUICK to act like we should feel solidarity with them but they could give a fuck less about bigotry against anyone but their own. As for LeBron (or any other gamous black person) he should know

Fuck that ref. That’s point one. But also, fuck Andrew Johnson’s team, coach, and school for not showing up for him. If he’s expected to sacrifice his time, youth, and energy for a sports team and their collective victories, those motherfuckers could have stuck up for him. All the weekends, afternoons, evenings,

The whole team should have boycotted the meet.

Fuck everyone in the room who didn’t stop this.