
omg guys, remember how the portrayal of men in married with children and the simpsons led to so much real world inequity and injustice for men back in the 90s? things were SOOOO hard for us back then. I'm a smart and sassy husband! where's MY media representation! (ps, your 'brain works differently' in the sense that

just an additional point on the kotaku thing - it sucks extra because I love the fact that they're trying to feature actual smart writing about race and gender (and other things too) in video games with writers like evan narcisse and patricia, and i was really excited to see that, but the overwhelming reaction of the

yeah, it really, really sucks, and makes me bummed out about the general stupidity of humanity. my favorite part is how they always act like she has some MASSIVE chip on her shoulder (when she's calmly and fairly pointing out something that seems to reflect institutional/cultural sexism while taking extra care to be

I think that often you have to pick a moment that makes sense, and also do it with people that you know are willing to at least slightly listen to what you're saying. There are plenty of situations where i just haven't bothered because it was clear that the person saying stuff was an idiot who wouldn't change, and all

I've definitely done that many times (though far less as I've gotten older, since I don't bother knowing people who would make sad-ass jokes like that or say ignorant shit about women out loud). It was much more common in high school/college, and was usually brushed off as me being 'oversensitive' (or some variation

hahahaha keep it up, seriously. I've read gawker media sites forever, but usually avoid commenting like the plague because A. it's so often unproductive and B. i'm incredibly ADD and need another activity to distract me like I need a hole in the head. I made this account pretty much because I was so enraged by the

I think you're onto something. While so much of what made FF3 (vi, whatever) completely blow my mind when I was 11 was very much japanese (folklore, goofy humor alternating with extreme melodrama, strange new-agey synth music), it wasn't immediately apparent, and was combined with tons of fascinating (and also very

this is the awesomest and most bizarre theory ever. (i really hope you don't actually think this.)


haha flame war averted! peace in the middle east IS a possibility!

please. i don't think women are 'the only ones with problems in the whole world', what ridiculous hyperbole. I guess I'm in a fantasy world though - have fun in your reality where women are constantly beating the shit out of and raping men and getting away with it, and the very existence of the field of 'women's

how on earth do you get that from what i wrote? I'm pretty sure I clearly responded to someone who felt the need to create an account for the sole purpose of whining about 'feminism stories' and railing against strawmen.

this is almost 100% nonsense. so having an advantage in child support/alimony cases makes up for the fact that women are paid less for equal work, and are hugely underrepresented in many areas of the workforce? the fact that there are instances where men have been falsely accused of rape is weighted over the fact that

oh please. i was only condescending to you after you made your dismissive initial comment. i'm obviously not trying to 'fan the flames' of shit - I was genuinely irritated by the reaction by some that comes up every time this topic is introduced. whatever, it's another day, and honestly in retrospect I don't really

it IS extremely stupid. Unfortunately it isn't even remotely attempting to engage with the issues that the article is trying to highlight.

Why don't you ask her? I guarantee that she would reply that having enforced gender parity would be incredibly stupid and would probably do more to hurt the cause than to help it. I agree that not buying a PS4 because of the lack of female presenters on stage is an overreaction (I'm pretty certain that there are just

what on earth are you talking about? my specific beef was that his point was incredibly shallow and didn't even attempt to engage with the topic at hand at all. I don't see how it's ad hominem to point out when people are being intellectually lazy (or just flat out stupid).