
Give me a fucking break. I've clearly said over and over again that yes, it is likely that sexism is part of the reason that there were no women at the PS4 launch conference. It has nothing to do with cowardice, it has to do with engaging a complicated issue with an approach that isn't blindingly simplistic and

jesus christ, that's the best you can do?

hahaha "weird feminist sack of shit" is gonna be how i describe myself from now on. that's awesome. and for what it's worth, i've been totally respectful with people who are willing to engage in an honest/intelligent discussion, which you seem incapable of doing. get back to your 30 inch monitor homey!

OH MY GODDDD. good lord. SONY isn't solely to blame for this - the point is clearly that it's at least a reflection of institutional sexism that no women occupied any of these positions. its not crying wolf for fucks sake, it's grappling with a complicated issue.

oh sorry, my bad - should i have posted celebratory gifs in response to his incredibly vapid post, as if this weak-ass rush limbaugh level sarcastic response was worthy of praise?

ok, here: literally no-one, at any point, has suggested anything remotely like what OP is suggesting, so I don't really see how his sarcasm is earned or responds to any of the people who have problems with this shit in the first place. please, find me the person saying that we need to randomly cram minorities and

huh, i actually was a bit rude to you upthread - apologies, I'd just been reading a bunch of people who WERE being assholes, so I responded pretty snarkily.

I hear you - I think sometimes people overestimate the amount of offense that is being taken on both sides. I think the tone of many who have an issue with the lack of women in this conference is more like 'hey, isn't this kind of strange/upsetting?' more than 'OMG DESTROY THIS CORRUPT INSTITUTION', just as there are

well yeah, I think everyone understands that. I'm pretty sure that what patricia is curious about is investigating WHY 'there aren't that many women in the industry' - just saying that that's the way it is isn't really much of an explanation. I mean, perhaps it IS just because of natural differences in interests/skill

so, just to be clear, your burn is that i made fun of you too quickly? yeah man, responding in 3 minutes? that's some loser shit. real cool kids wait 7 minutes, right? anyway, i'm sure you had a bunch of totally devastating points to make in response to my bullshit, too bad I won't get a chance to experience them.

"Well I am just sick of all the women this women that article that Patricia Hernandez posts" - good job writing a coherent sentence! also, congrats on your success! you arent funny, AND you're an asshole!

the reason that 'men's rights' are often mocked so heartily is because there just isn't an equivalent level of discrimination directed at men, by any measure imaginable. name me an area where being male negatively impacts your chances at success (the fact that some assholes make fun of house husbands really doesn't

making a totally useless comment that doesn't even remotely respond to anything I said, great idea. you're even more boring than the rest of your fellow crybabies, hahaha.

just to be clear, in this metaphor, the delicious entree is 'watch dogs', and 'this shit is delicious' = 'holy fuck i wanna play that'

look, i get that this topic isn't your bag, but think of it this way - as a regular dude who loves eating, would I bitch about a tiny flaw in a gourmet meal? hell no, i would be like 'this shit is delicious!' but if i were a food critic, it would be pretty weird of me not to mention that flaw in my review of the

sure, but the people whose lives were hugely effected by that discrimination are the parents and grandparents of the people that we're talking about, and their limited choices most certainly do have an impact on the lives of their children. I think that things are clearly improving in this area, but the scars of the

"we need some measure of common ground before we can approach our differences of opinion" - yep. and this is why arguing on the internet is so immensely depressing the majority of the time. Oh well, I was happy to see your posts - nice to have a reminder that the humanity isn't 100% reactionary dolts. Good job trying

haha? good job failing at being amusing, or even interestingly profane, fuckwit.

yep, people are scum.

this is the problem - at an individual level, sure, there are no 'magical bars', but there are a ton of other factors in play. African americans don't exist in a vacuum - there is a legacy of discrimination (blacks were forcibly kept from joining the middle class after the fall of slavery by mob violence, severely