
oh you mean stock buy backs of course.

Or you are the problem with America.

haha - you got suckered by a carnival barker and you think you can talk down to us because of it? Nothing has changed in the intelligence pecking order. You still are at the same place.

Trump is a moral relativist, case closed.

Russian citizenry is for the most part uneducated. You can see the GOP echoing this in the US, trying to prepare the way for their dictatorship. Trump is that. That is what he would create. They are all guilty of real treason.

Sound assessment. This is the reality.

Makes you wonder if this election wasnt written by Michael Bay. Perhaps this is just reality TV now? Maybe we crossed the singularity and didn’t realize it ... now we are in an alternate universe where TV is real. Trump is almost a caricature of a not bright super villain from late-night tv

Who hurt you infinity?

that data was actually first published in the mid 50s, and is classroom information for anyone willing to look into it.

Well that, and there is no evidence she actually did anything illegal of course.

You are just another lying tax cheat traitor we will soon be auditing. Pay your share you traitor. Stop supporting Putin you traitor. Stop stomping on our constitution you traitor.

Your logic is that of an imbecile, just fyi.

yeah, she is quite rational, and well educated too. Where did Trump go to school anyway? Havent heard anyone talk about it.

haha - word.

You are just another lying tax cheat traitor we will soon be auditing. Pay your share you traitor. Stop supporting Putin you traitor. Stop stomping on our constitution you traitor.

it may be you just dont like the show, and would be better watching something you do like?