Nik Bonaddio

It's almost all Dick Ebersol's fault. In the LFNY book, many writers point to the fact that before Ebersol, popular sketches were run three, four times tops. Ebersol demanded that characters be trotted out until they're run into the ground, and even set up the varsity/JV setup of the cast.

Bring back Anthony Michael Hall!

I'd go 40 Year Old Virgin myself. Catherine Keener is a fox.

Weirdly enough, I had heard Owl City probably a year before he broke through - to the extent that he did - on Postal Service Pandora, with a song called "Hello Seattle".

Man, so true. That kid owes Ben Gibbard a pretty fat check.

"Fireflies" has to be one of the least likely #1 singles of all-time. I don't hate it nearly as much as I should, it's did it happen? Why? AND HOW CAN WE GO BACK

I never travel far without a little Big Star. (Ooooooh-ooh-ooh!)

Would you say that Bernard's been GETTING AWAY WITH IT?

Clampdown. Magnificent Seven. This Is Radio Clash. Wrong 'Em Boyo. All of these are great (as almost all Clash is!), but none can top OHHHHHH-OH

I lean strongly to Genesis on the basis of being a sports fan (NBA Jam, Madden, etc.) but I can understand why platformers/RPG fans swear by Nintendo. I will, however, also add that I've never once had a "Oh my god, this is amazing!" video game experience like the first time I played Sonic. I was blown away. The only

Clearly not a sports fan. Sports and racing were dominated by Genesis.

Yes, UOTC, Speed Your Love To Me, Waterfront..all vastly superior.

Well, I still think I should be given a sweet, cushy job here.

So basically you can write an entire AVC episode review and misspell the star's name repeatedly and NO ONE NOTICES?