Tax revenue
Tax revenue
For a limited time only.
There are those among us, dying to piss on anyone, in order to feel better about their own inadequacies.
Everything about this is disgusting.
Stupified squeeze.
I don't think anyone's sampled The Exorcist soundtrack yet. This was a smart move.
Have always loved her charming little overbite.
He really doesn’t.
It was my home, but it’s still a region and not a city.
It’s nice to include the influential Bay Area, but it’s not a city. But hey, content.
Wow, how valuable is that Bieber security tape in Schadenfreudebucks!
Will she, though.
Hopefully for her sake, she’ll grow out of it.
*espectacular-r-r-r (love it!)
Pow right in the sugar lumps.
Say what you will about her, but it’s not easy raising 3 kids on your own.
What the fuck are you even talking about, you greasy fucking man-boob splotch of duck butter.
AND! He’s blowing kisses at Megyn! The stones on this fuckin’ guy!
Mark Jackson: “Do you play golf anyway?” [do you crave preserving the façade of “social order” by maintaining the status quo?]