
At the Amsterdam Olive Garden, you have to pasta Dutchy on the left hand side.

“romances fleeting and lasting alike”

giving humanity the internet was a mistake. i think the internet is an amazing tool to connect and share experience and knowledge, but the depravity of humanity can ruin anything if given enough time. between the hate mongering, the angry entitled gamer subsection, and the general dickery not included in those two

Where will this bullshit end? When will these stunted fucking man-children get a grip, get what passes for a real life and stop all this absolute horseshit?

The “your” was perfection


Whelp, I’m gonna get me a rocking chair, a bag of Werther’s chocolates, and start voting Republican I guess, because I am officially too old for this shit.

I wonder how much they paid him to do it

No need to call the police for everything. Sort it out youself! Christ. 

Joule thief!

Pretty sure Original Soylent tastes exactly like Influencer

If brands/marketing departments are too stupid and lazy to do their due diligence before signing contracts with these faux influencers, that’s on them.  Stupidity and laziness have consequences.  

Now playing

So...Jim Belushi’s portrayal of the good Captain on the “Jackie Rogers Jr.’s $100,000 Jackpot Wad” SNL sketch was accurate?

There hasn’t been a Hardee’s within 500 miles of Barstow for decades. That was just an old sock.

Was it because Barkin make fun of that creepy ass haircut of the Captain? Not sure why, but I find this story funny as hell.

I had drunken sex with Lambchop behind a Hardee’s dumpster in Barstow CA in 1972. Shari Lewis wasn’t present and Lambchop told me in confidence that that Shari Lewis who whip her with zip ties until the fuzz came off the felt. I believe Ellen Barkin and Lampchop.

I look forward to ignoring it. 

Half of a Rusty Venture.

Can I get the sense of moral superiority on the side

I fully clicked on this to come to the comments and count how many of them I would go through to get to Parasite Eve.

The answer was two.

And you are so very right.