Kid Dynamite

Thank you for that. I don't know any lingo or terminology. I mostly play for fun in non-tournament situations. But that really does draw a line between each game. I think that style for combat is probably more important than graphics, or speed issues. Same goes for RPGs. Some folks like they're realtime action

So weird, because Mark of Wolves is also in my top, but I just can't seem to enjoy BlazBlue. See? That's what prompted me to ask in the first place... Because I know a lot of people are enjoying these games, and I just don't feel it. Oh well.

Correct. Thanks! I purchase and support many games that AKSYS brings over, even though I much prefer ATLUS. But I am disappointed in their choice of fighting games so far. ARC System Works does some really impressive things, I just wish they'd worry less about graphical fluidity, and spend some time on controller

Yeah, in another comment I mentioned how MK is kinda junky. I enjoy it for other reasons, certainly not because of it's mechanics. However the original is extremely well balanced, even though the animations are garbage and it is slow as dirt.

Oh man! You just hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD! That's exactly it. I am in love with the flow of combo fighting. The cancel method feels slow to me. It's probably a lot more accurate, and truer to actual fighting, because let's face it... none of use could spin kick and uppercut fire... But that cancel based

I saw that you replied the same to DRAGSLiCKS. I have played these both against the CPU and with live opponents. It's not the difficulty or challenge that I have an issue with. Also, keep in mind, I'm not hating on these games. I just didn't really understand what their allure is. I got a few decent responses

That makes sense. I mean, I'm a total anime nerd, but I can't stand spending $60 on a game that LOOKS excellent, but plays like rubbish. The visuals ARE indeed good, but I feel like that's part of their downfall. Like, to make the sprites move smoothly just takes too many frames, and it throws off the graphical

Yeah, it may very well be just a "feel" oriented issue. I just mentioned to someone else, that I play SF games with the speed maxed out. If I play at default speeds I have a similar complaint.

You're not kidding, haha. Night and day. I guess it's just the feel of the game. Your examples of what you find sluggish are the polar opposite of mine... So it's sort of like that whole Sega controller vs. SNES controller argument. I think the BlazBlue animations are super smooth, and I really do love the art

Well, if it does drop in price, which it should... You should seriously get one. Persona 5 and Street Fighter 5 are supposed to be exclusive I believe.. and while you're not missing much at the moment, Diablo III could keep you pretty entertained. I'd wait till like 3 months after the holidays.

Not trolling. Just curious as far as what is so good about the Guilty Gear/BlazBlue series???

I couldn't agree more. Since this game has been announced back on 2008 or 2009 (I forget), I lived a good half hour from where I do now. GameStop in Parsippany, NJ, let me put a reserve on it for $5.

Comment of the week.

I have always wished they would never remake it, unless as an iOS game, in which they didn't change anything besides the input controls.

Don't anyone get any ideas about Drive Club. I waited patiently for 2+ years, through all the delays, ans remained super excited... only to be let down by one of the worst driving games I have ever played. I would honestly prefer Atari's Pole Position or Sega Daytona. Drive Club LOOKED fancy, but the mechanics

You are correct Nimbus, and I don't know why I said "good faith". It was a poor choice of words. The point I was intending to clarify, is that nobody needs to be returning their devices, in order to recieve $25 smakaroos from Sony. Good faith? No. Just an incentive to hate on them less for their sneaky ads.

It's not a refund like returning an item to Target. It's a refund in good faith to make amends in the case that you purchased a Vita prior to that 2012 date, based on their false advertising. You still keep your Vita. However, if you were an early adopter, then you can get a $50 credit from Sony as a sort of

Srsly. Madness. Buying just one would be torture. Gotta catch 'em all.

Yeah, BUT DID YOU LOOK AT IT??? Take a look at that.

I thought the exact same thing, and then proceeded to read looking for any indication that it was from the same creators. Hmm.