Kid D-Brock

Seeing Coach so chubby really drove home how sick he was on his last season of Cheers. Nice to see him do some dramatic acting as well, good actor.

Just watched it. Thanks for the suggestion AV Club. Never would have seen this otherwise, not really sure why I haven't heard of it before. Really really good.

This is streaming for free on Crackle.

Olympia! 360 represent! Good for these guys, I hope they make it.

Haha…stupid atheists…if they just read your screen name they would know they are wrong. There are so many movies that prove it too.

Can you really call her a Bond Girl since she was the villain?

Everything good about this film is negated by the fact that it gave us "All-Star" by Smashmouth….which every radio station used to rape our ears for the next 10 fucking years! God that song was as awful as it was inescapable.

I would have been very surprised if this ended up existing. It just didn't make sense that there would be a spinoff to a show that isn't all that successful at the moment anyways. And I love Agents of Shield, but it doesn't exactly kill it in the ratings.

Tell that to Cate Blanchett's Oscar.

I would like to congratulate Mr. Shore for being the first person in 15 years to use the phrase "killer DJ".

Tina Fey was great on 30 Rock. Tina Fey was awful as fuck on Weekend Update. Let's keep her working on hilarious sitcoms and not satirical news.

Some seasons of 30 Rock are better than some seasons of Parks and Rec, and some seasons of Parks and Rec are better than some seasons of 30 Rock. It's all pretty subjective. The writing on 30 Rock started very strong but got really lazy towards the end of the series, whereas Parks and Rec started off very lazy but got

The moment I realized the opening would not shift to real camera work, I just turned off the TV. Sounds like you should have done the same.

No she looks like a 16 year old, but was definitely not busty.

They did tone down the Governor for television…if they cut out the Gov's rape-beatings, I think they can cut out all Negan's wonderfully creative swearing…it will be a shame though. Ooh, maybe it will be Negan that cut's off Rick's hand…

Alexandria… I can't wait for people to bitch about how boring the episodes coming up are likely to become…

His wife runs my local comic shop. He is a cool dude, very smart. Glad to see him get his props for this book.

I think it's a better joke if Mac isn't gay at all, which is what the joke is originally. I think it's dumb that they decided he was just gay. I feel like they just ran out of creativity when writing his character and so just looked back and said, well he did bang a tranny so let's just make him gay so we can actually

Nathan Lane is the best.

Easily the weakest element of the episode. But I laughed really hard at his line (paraphrasing) You can look through my phone but it's not going to make you think any better of me. Lol.