
“Personally, I’d be fairly embarrassed if my melanin or sexual plumbing is the primary reason I got a job, but that’s just me”

Holy fuck the irony is actually stunning. You’re a white man.

Let that sink in again. You’re a white man complaining about skin or race being the primary reason someone gets a job.

Make sure you

Many women are uniquely compelled to hang onto to jobs they don’t like by things like the need to pay for food and shelter.

You angered a few burners, at least one of which actually created the account just to be mad at you! You must be terribly offended! A lot of important people disagree with your opinion that women should also be treated well in their workplace. You must be wrong then.

It is baffling to me why so many of these women would actually stay at the company for extended periods if the culture there is so reprehensive.

So it’s their fault is what you’re implying. Their hands are clean as they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong; understand that first.

Is that really what you hear when someone says women are systematically being paid less than men for the same job?

If you don’t like a TV show don’t watch it. If you don’t like a video game company don’t play their games. Or do the bigger, better, more important thing. Leave your shitty internet comment. Tanks for all you do. 

Being a virtue signaling male feminist won’t get you laid. Try not to rape and/or murder any women please.

Where do you work?   How easy will it be for you to just up and quit immediately, and then go look for work?  Hell, How easy will it be for you to find work.   You might be able to say right away, you might not.  I don’t know your situation, as much as we don’t know theirs.  

As a currently unemployed game dev I would like to say to you F off.

Thank you for continuing to report on this crap. It grosses me out that I continue to see Riot pushed in other media as the “cool game studio. I threw up in my mouth when I saw their involvement in HBO’s Ballers show... but I guess it was also kind appropriate to see them associated with a show about rich, womanizing

This show, Fargo, Bates Motel and some others I’m sure I’m missing are the reason people need to STFU about remakes and sequels and television adaptations of things. This is proof they can work. And when in reality ninety percent of things are garbage that doesn’t mean amazing things like this can’t happen. And I’m

This episode completely blew my mind.  I can’t stop thinking about it.  Blows me away that a show that could have been such a disaster is soooo good on so many different levels.

While trying to find news on season two last night, I was reminded in several articles that this was outlined as a miniseries not a season one. Which I like because there’s the promise of a beginning, middle, and end (a promise I feel like they’re fulfilling). But I’ll be sad if there’s never any more of this, because

I’m amazed this even got published. I was really thinking there was a firing-level edict against even mentioning the shutdown and firings.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

 Moleman voice: I voted for Peaky Blinders. (No one else did).

But is Lube man the newly arrived in town agent Petey?

Angela’s exasperated “...the fuck?!” was such a mood. The way that masked silver person literally slid away cracked me up.

Shout out to the dumbasses in charge who haven’t figured out how to turn the comments off on the subblogs yet. You brain geniuses show your asses at every possible opportunity and we’re all better for it.