
Wrong post

Apparently he cant hit anyone or anything on the field so he’s going to take it out on a puppy? Maybe their D-Line coach should look into that kind of punishment when they miss their assignments...turnabout is fair play, no?

The problem isnt with folks like your students - its with the people who are here illegally - it always has been. However, until they can figure out how to weed out the few the many will suffer. It really is time that we, as a country, start taking care of what’s going on at home instead of trying to be the world’s

Close - but no cigar. Thats the ending to Snow White. Cinderella ends with the step-sisters going to the wedding to try and get in good graces with Cinderella, Birds peck out their eyes, forever blinding them.

RE: The soccer divers: As a former player and ref, that diving crap drove me batty. I was lucky enough to be a captain and had more than my share of ‘power’ across the team. If you dove, you went off and thats all there was to that. Since players these days wont police themselves, here is the fix...and for a

1% of the population with nothing better to do than be loud and and in person...demanding change instead of taking the new notes...and an inconvenience. Tell ya what, Ill buy all those notes from you for £4 and we’ll call it a processing fee #privilegedpeopleproblems 

Dogs are the only creatures that love you more than they love themselves :-)

You can discuss better treatment for criminals...treatment that my tax dollars are paying for...when better care is provided to the veterans who served their country. Until then, and even more likely well beyond that time, prisoners can do just what they are intended to do - rot. 

The Controller...nostalgic in a nutshell!

Is everyone forgetting what this is all about: Removing ILLEGAL immigrants - people who crossed borders unlawfully - and sending them back. If you want to be in the US then be there LEGALLY. The US isnt in the habit of taking random and innocent people off of the streets and chucking them into jails, nor will they

Congrats! You did something perfectly legal and thats well within your rights. What does that have to do with anything?!? I bought a car last weekend in an hour...and got a drink last night at the pub in 7 min. Does that mean I’m going to drive up the sidewalk and mow down some early morning joggers? There is nothing