
"Isn’t Liv Tyler still part of the main cast? We haven’t seen any of her yet."

I think the lawyer means True Detective and Silicon Valley are in the same universe. That's going to be the real twist this season.

I've enjoyed this season more than most, though it hasn't lived up to the first season in any way. It's unfortunate it took 5 episodes to get a real feel of mystery this season. By episode 3 last season we saw the creepy man in mask walk out from the woods, 4 we had the amazing shootout.

If you cannot afford an attorney, HBO will provide you with one—in the form of Matt McCoy, who follows Pied Piper’s come-from-behind arbitration victory onSilicon Valley with a stint as Lacey Lindel’s lawyer in “Other Lives.”

Also, if I had to restore color to Man of Steel, I would have done it like this without blowing out all of the colors. Keep in mind my source footage is from a compressed stream.

It's disappointing that AV Club would post this without mentioning VideoLabs dishonest representation of the original footage.