
No... Just No... This was a bad rom site that charged for access. There is zero chance anything of value was lost. The effort this person put in was the bare minimum just to make some quick cash and they did it stupidly too, this is why they are being so badly burned by Nintendo on this. ANYTHING that was on this site

Well you’re wrong. That’s Nintendo’s property, being stolen and given away for free. There’s no ideological connection to the act. It’s to prevent resale and distribution, not to destroy. People can be so damn dramatic.

IMO no explanation for Screech is needed. I stopped keeping in touch with my best friend from high school almost entirely because we had nothing in common other than living near each other after we got through college. He also turned into a bit of a negative person so he wasn’t even fun to hang out with the few times

I’m just now hearing about this too and can’t say I’m a big Paramore fan, but from reading the article clicking through to the tweet, the homophobic Facebook post from the former band member was just made recently. I don’t think the current band was catching heat from anyone but wanted to make sure that everyone was

AOC is okay, but Omar is a real one

The secret is that she is no career politician. She worked a normal job before deciding to run for office in order to enact change. She is a normal woman who has seen and experienced the hardships that every american out there faces daily so she is a natural. What is her secret? She can actually relate with people

Yeah, imagine being enthusiastic for a politician who holds people accountable and isn’t beholden to big business interests. How cringey.

Does the notion that it’s not offend you?

AOC is a goddamned national treasure. Unabashedly progressive, kicked moderate ass in her elections, calls Republicans on their bullshit, skillfully claps back when they try to attack her, and she somehow successfully managed to merge political awareness with Twitch in a way that didn’t feel forced or scripted? In my

It’s just been a really entertaining, engaging stream. It’s not exactly the strongest “Get Out The Vote” campaign, since the chatter is mostly about the game itself, but the people involved (including AOC) are having fun, the regular streamers and game veterans are doing a good job keeping the game fun to watch, it’s

Beats the hell out of some blood-money-stuffed puppet.

It was the cutest damn stream ever.

Ian is an assclown

Biden's coalition isn't nearly as fragile as Ian's ego here.

Well put, but he won’t care. Because they don’t. There are progressives and there are Progressives.

You had me at "...Ian....shut the fuck up."

Thank you. You articulated incredibly well what I was feeling but couldn’t put into words.

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

I watched so much Sasuke/Kunoichi when it was on G4, my roommate and I would DVR hours of it and binge them on the weekends after stumbling home from the bar. I normally can’t stand human interest profiles in sports/competition stuff, but the brief bits they’d do on regular competitors hooked me in (The old guy who