It’s an entertaining premise, but the production looks so cheap and the editing is so heavy-handed that it drags the whole thing down (into the lava).
It’s an entertaining premise, but the production looks so cheap and the editing is so heavy-handed that it drags the whole thing down (into the lava).
Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.
It’s a person you pay $50/hour who tells you do the stuff you should already be doing. For $100/hour you can hire them as your business coach to do the same thing, but at your job.
not sure how bringing in racism supports them, historically speaking, given that black people have had to solve that problem themselves. it’ll probably be the same with trans people as it has been with literally every other outsider group ever.
I watch Live PD from time to time on bored weekend nights. It’s sort of interesting to watch and really a microcosm to the policing debate. You’ll see instances where officers will do a good job de-escalating numerous circumstances whether it be domestic violence, bar fights, high as a kite and belligerent traffic…
Even as someone who definitely does not view police positively right now, I find Live PD a fascinating watch. The sensationalistic stuff grabs the attention but I like seeing the sequences of police de-escalating various domestic situations or engaging with the neighborhood responding to concerns, I think it does put…
It was one of those films that was in constant rotation on HBO for a spell. You either saw it 100 times or never.
It is. She shows it on her Instagram stories and it’s amazing. I strongly recommend following her on IG. She’s really funny, she sings songs about her coffee, wishes you good morning... She truly is, a delight.
My perception of Jason Mantzoukas is stuck somewhere between Derek and Adrian Pemento, so it took me a moment to slide back into Dennis Feinstein.
From a continuity standpoint, they did a good job slotting this in between the 2019 jump forward and the 2022 jump forward in the finale.
No, VAR bad! VAR bad because VAR slow and bad! VAR bad because...
Isn’t that what we commentarians basically do?
Maybe every Jeopardy category is equally easy for people who are experts in them. Did you really expect them to go deep into gen 3 evolutions?
Good things like reading this:
Personally, I’m not sticking to sports games. Too many other good things to do without limiting yourself arbitrarily like that.
Hey Josh, not only do I love sports, but I love other topics when they have a sports-related angle, so I have to say I was excited to read this article.
Plus 20,000 Barry Petcheskys
So they used “sports to stick” it to the man?