
I feel like “not being a dick” is a much better tiebreaker than drawing straws, myself, but meritocracy is dead anyway so who cares.

No, it creates a perverse incentive to just plain throw the game and allow a goal, because then you achieve the same result without your players being suspended for the next round.

Also, instead of accumulating reds and yellows to allow the other team to advance, thus resulting in possible suspensions to your own players, wouldn’t letting the other team simply score be better?

Counterpoint: an indicator based on play on the field is always better than drawing lots. Sure cards can be somewhat arbitrary, but the game itself is often pretty damn arbitrary.

Exactly what I was gonna say. Punk Rock became safe for them when they started worrying about only playing “big venues”.

Good thing Mike can still support his DIY punk rock lifestyle on the millions of dollars he made through real estate in San Francisco. T

It’s totally punk rock to complain about not playing "big venues". On another note, that joke might've worked if he hadn't added that lame kicker. 

For 1 viewing of your highness, you are halfway through season one of Eastbound, and far happier for your decision.

I’ve gone through this progression on the Matrix sequels:

Yeah, after reading this I was righteously indignant. Life is too short for Ricky Gervais’, ungodly awful, Life is Too Short; but Eastbound & Down is comedy gold.

Are you not including his movies? Because The Social Network is a masterpiece. And A Few Good Men, Moneyball, Charlie Wilson’s War, and Molly’s Game all approach (some would argue surpass at times) The West Wing and Sports Night in terms of quality I think.

He’s been playing in the Eastern Conference all along?

The Dallas Mavericks are reportedly going to fall ass-backwards into a mouthwatering European prospect


How much damage are you ok with while people work patiently within the system, given that oversight of that system is currently broken?

technically its an incel phone

On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.

A gazillion times this has happened.... and you pick freakin’ Notre Dame.

“Please enjoy Tim taking us on a journey through the other side of E3.”