
I loved MXC so, so very much.

Let us not forget that G4 brought “Ninja Warrior” (and then “American Ninja Warrior”, not to mention “Unbeatable Banzuke”) to US audiences, thus making it infinitely better than most networks that have ever existed or will ever exist.

This is one of the worst shows on which I have ever wasted half an hour. I like some good campy schlock, and I like impressive amateur athletes; this show is a few moments of repetitive, unimpressive, and unfunny competition stretched out over 45 minutes.

The main story is approximately 1368710357 times too large. Other than that, not too bad.

Not that I actually want you to die, but man, the site would be way better off without you. You never have been and never will be funny. You’re one-note, and it’s an extremely atonal note.

Good job ex-ing that piece of shit out of your life.

I don’t think Sam is against voting; I think he’s against what to him seems like the PREPOSTEROUS idea that MTV might want to do something beyond air reality shows and actually get teens involved.

“I’m going to mock MTV for trying to get the youth of America to actively engage in politics because I’m a hipster fuckhead and MTV doing social good doesn’t fit into my idiotic little narrative!” - Sam Barsanti

Seriously, I don’t give a damn about anything MTV has done in the last decade, but this entire article is so

In the order I thought of them:
- Crossing into Mexico with “Far Away” playing in “Red Dead Redemption”.
- Michael’s cackle on the season 1 finale of “The Good Place”.
- John Shuster’s 5-point 8th end to clinch Olympic gold for the US men’s curling team.
- Carli Lloyd’s goal from midfield in the 2015 World Cup final.
- The

Not even mentioning "Red Dead Redemption" in 2010's roundup is absolutely absurd.

This made me laugh way too much.

What an excellent sports article. I have learned something interesting today about sports, and I agree that we should commend those who have stood firm in their beliefs against corporate overlords looking to silence them... in sports.

Are you... are you the biggest idiot? Note that I’m not asking if you’re merely an idiot, because that’s readily apparent.

Having videos autoplay is the most insufferable bullshit. They keep finding ways to make G/O sites worse and worse.

Article #13940871 showing why 90% of the workload given to Deadspin dudebros should be given to its amazing female staff instead.

This is a fucking outstanding story. Can we please let the women of the Deadspin staff write like 95% of the articles? All of their stories are intelligent and well-researched and insightful. Excellent job, Kelsey.

This... is actually crazy. I’m honestly surprised.

I can only imagine what outraged white man chose to put that headline on Lauren’s solid reporting.

I know “this squalid little corner of the internet kicks in its share (though none will be found beneath this moron’s byline) is just self-deprecating humor, but for me, the funny part is that you’re one of the few male writers on this site who I genuinely enjoy and think has more in the tank than dick jokes and

Delle Donne is my favorite active basketball player, and I desperately want her to finally win a title. She’s an marvelous player and an marvelous human being, and that combination is all too rare. (Also, my friend was in her charity golf tournament and said she couldn’t have been nicer or more outgoing.)