
Fuck, this is so bad and so good.

- Thinking people trust G/O Media’s overlords.
- Pretending as if we can’t read the byline.
- Any sentence beginning “G/O Media fully supports our editorial staff”.

I love both of these players so much, and in particular, Naomi is exactly what this sport needs. It’s crazy that this woman who is the top-ranked player in the world, has won two Grand Slams, has incredible intelligence and compassion, and serves as inspiration for younger players IS STILL ONLY 21 YEARS OLD.

Stop giving attention to this unhinged douchebag.

The Dr. Stoll episodes are unquestionably my favorite Remembering Some Guys the site has ever done. It’s learning about players, it’s learning about cards, it’s enthusiasm for baseball cards and the sport as a whole, and it’s good-natured fun.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that the “fucking dumbass”/face-slap/hat-steal combo is one of the most savage moves I have ever seen.

This just in: Chris Thompson has absolutely no idea what bongos are. Could’ve just said “percussion” or “drums”, pal.

This was absolutely lovely- one of the best Guy Remembrances I can recall.

Why have his nationality in the title at all? Why not just say "Fenerbahce player"?

You, my not-friend, are a massive asshole, and none of what you say makes sense. “Who cares that this guy is a white nationalist? Most celebrities are terrible people, even though you have no proof, whereas you have plenty of proof that this guy is a white nationalist.” “There’s no reason to mention that this person

Amaaaaaaaaaazing bigotry by this dude. It’s truly amazing that someone could be such a neo-nazi asshole.

If you didn’t know about Goose being a scumbag before you posted the article, that’s fine; honest mistakes happen.

With that said, fuck Goose. Fuck him straight to hell, where Satan will continue to fuck him for all eternity.

“Parks and Rec” is the only show I have ever watched that lasted more than three seasons, and each season was better than the previous one. Season 1? Garbage. Season 2? Good. Season 3? Great. ... Season 7? One of the best seasons in television history.

“...he has been the most dominant freestyle swimmer in the world”

What a fucking sexist joke this sentence fragment is. Katie Ledecky has been the most dominant freestyle swimmer in the world; perhaps he has been the most dominant MALE freestyle swimmer?

Diana Moskovitz’s writing is so intelligent, insightful, and generally wonderful that I don’t understand how she landed at the dick-joke-and-hot-take factory that is Deadspin. Whether she’s writing about gymnastics or football or track, the wonder of soccer or the brutality of sexual assault, Diana’s articles inform

Boy, this is one hot take right here. “Dangerous idiot who is so rich and famous that she can’t remember what movies she’s in is cute and relatable!”

Le Anne was aa brilliant, independent, considerate voice in sports. We need more people like her, and she will be missed.

Why in the hell does the illustration feature a “Jeopardy!” game board that hasn’t been used since 2001?

Also, saying “guessed” is incorrect- it implies that Emma did not know Marlowe was right and simply took a shot in the dark.

Imagine if Deadspin actually cared about this amazing event, in which unbelievably intelligent children pour their hearts and souls into their favorite pursuit, find unprecedented success, cheer each other on instead of rooting for each other to lose, and in front of millions of people, are rewarded for their shared

This isn’t a particularly egregious play, and it’s more likely to happen to the Orioles to anyone else. This didn’t need to be an article unless it was a truly dull day in sports.