
Who gives a shit, and why are you so upset about it? That’s how the teams felt it was best to brand themselves, and I’d argue that “Fever” is considerably better than another “Panthers” or “Jets”. Not to mention that some of them are perfectly logical (e.g. the Sun are owned by and play at Mohegan Sun, and the Liberty

Now playing

No idea what “Bad Girls” Lauren is talking about, but this is perhaps the best music video ever made, so why not?

This is the scariest thing I’ve seen since episode 7 of “Russian Doll”.

I don’t like horror, OK? That’s as close as I get. I was gripping my pillow as the throw got away.

A friend showed this tweet to me earlier, explaining that it is “the tweet of 2019". My god, he was so correct.

So, you want all hockey to be women’s hockey. That’s fine, but I’m not sure what the point of your comment was to begin with; it’s totally unrelated to the article.

As a 14-year-old at the time, I remember thinking how disgustingly sad the whole thing was, and I didn’t even watch the PPV. Wrestling is dangerous enough without adding pointless bells and whistles; it’s one thing to have pyrotechnics when the wrestler is nowhere near them, but it’s another to have them rappel from

Considering they expanded last season, I wouldn’t think it’s out of the question, though I am certainly interested in seeing what the plans are.

If you’re not part of the national team program (and, of course, those players had to threaten a boycott to get a living wage), you’re basically making nothing. A friend of mine was a starter on one of the NWHL teams last season, and she had to bust her ass at her day job, then drive to the rink and bust her ass

I disagree, but you’re entitled to your shitty opinion.

Truman Peyote has the amazing quality of a terrible jam-band name. It’s beautiful. I believe I had him going to the Elite Eight in my personal bracket.

I love Pope Thrower as a name, but still:

Oh wow, somebody actually EDITED a Gabe Fernandez article! Great job, professional web site!

I’m so glad you guys linked to this video. What a god.

I love how these articles are written, and I love watching asshole white men get the shit kicked out of them.

I don’t know why everyone is starring this when it’s still a less-funny name than Jizyah Shorts... and also, why would the baby be named Jizz?

I love Pope Thrower, but we already had one unworthy Pope name win NotY recently; we don’t need another.

Still one of the best cartoons I’ve ever seen (for 2 1/2 seasons). I remember it both vividly and fondly, and the DVDs are some of the few I own that still get used on occasion.

I have no ill will (nor even an opinion) regarding Pierce’s career as a player, but his continued foot-in-mouth problems and everyone else- including his coworkers- taking him to task for it is sensational. It’s one of the best feel-good stories of the season for everyone except him.

I think it’s someone having a decent first round, then getting lucky enough to snipe the Daily Doubles in the second round. Let’s say someone ends Jeopardy with $5,000, answers a single $2,000 question in Double Jep, and happens to grab both Daily Doubles and go all-in; that’s $28,000, which would probably be enough

There have been plenty of articles on Holzhauer- and as a voracious “Jeopardy!” fan since I was a small child, I have read as many as I could- but this is easily the best.