
...Do you know where New England is? Only two of the five teams are from New England; only one of the league’s four Isobel Cups have been won by a New England team.

Good. Let him rot.

He’s the best.


On the one hand, “The Princess Bride” is my favorite film ever, and I don’t want to see it into adapted into something crappy.

On the other hand, David Yazbek’s music for “The Band’s Visit” was absolutely incredible, which gives me a lot more hope than I would normally have.

This is an incredibly interesting, incredibly sad story. Thank you, Michael.

This is an incredibly beautiful and sad story, and I am so sorry for everything that happened to you but glad that you're still with us.

Great fucking article, Laura. Thank you for writing such an intelligent piece.

Whether or not he wants to admit he did something wrong, invoking Myra is disgusting.

I truly hope Maloney gets counter-sued into oblivion. I don’t know what he could possibly be sued for, but I also don’t care. He is protozoan scum.

Aha! Thank you. Still terrible writing, though.

Wikipedia’s list of “hip-hop and R&B stars”...

I can’t find such a list anywhere, and it actually seems awfully unencyclopedic (as opposed to, for example, Did Mike make this up or something? Also, even if he didn’t, that entire aside has nothing to do with the

I mean, that was very clearly not a knockout- he got up well before the 10-count.

This is an incredible comment. A++.

I hope the White Sox go 1-161 this season just to thoroughly piss off Tim Marchman. (0-162 would be too perversely pleasurable.)

They’re good video game dogs, Brent.

My friend, you need to familiarize yourself with dril.

Get out.

I’m pretty sure there are more intentionally-shitty White Sox articles than there are Barstool and Simmons articles combined.

I don’t know why I loved this particular comment so much, but I really, really did.

Can we talk about this Kelly Naqi byline for a second? Since when is Kelly Naqi writing for Deadspin? She’s a great journalist.