
And yet, she’s still not in as a singles wrestler, which is still absurd.

Bling blong!

Bling blong!

I’ve really been enjoying it, and I wasn’t expecting to. I don’t particularly care for RWBY and I haven’t watched RvB in years, but gen:LOCK has layered characters and a great cast, and the story is starting to evolve in interesting ways.

I can’t put into words just how hard I laughed at “Andre Ratbag likes to grasp Juliet Thoma.”

This is... I mean, it’s simply amazing. I love it. It’s such a brilliant move.

I'm glad you're back and feeling better, Drew... though I'd still rather have Ashley around again.

If you think you can pull something like that at a local news network without there being a chance of getting fired, you’re a dumbass. No matter how you feel about someone on-screen (and I despise Tom Brady), unless your plan was to parlay the temporary Z-list fame into a better job, that was an idiotic move. Sure, it

“A three-pointer, after all, is worth one third more points than a pair of free throws.”
That is not how math works. I mean, besides that the phrasing doesn’t make sense to begin with (one third more?), 3 is 150% more than 2, not 133.3...% more than 2. 

There are only nine players listed on their roster, four freshmen and five juniors. So, so little about that makes sense.

“Harrison left the third free throw short, leaving the Bulls at 100"

Tim Marchman Writes Shitty Article

Another amazing article, Kashmir, and one that actually created positive changes. There can never be enough of that in journalism.

This is really friggin’ solid reporting. Good show, Patrick.

Homer Bailey has made sixty-eight million dollars since the last season in which he had a positive WAR (B-R version). For four straight seasons, he has been worse than some AAA pitcher the Reds could call up, and in that time, he has received more money than everyone who ever reads this article will ever make

I live a few miles away, am constantly on the street where the shop was located (Bloomfield Avenue is the biggest road for businesses in town by a wide margin), and frequently eat at the Ethiopian restaurant next door.

I had never heard of this. Never once noticed it walking by. Definitely never ate there. A delicious

Ty Cobb spoke out frequently and vehemently in favor of integration, but okay, stick with your disproved narrative.

Wow. You’re just... that comment is... I mean... wow.

“Wiser chess analysts than I—so, quite literally anyone who knows what 44. a4 Nc7 45. Qf4 Ne6 means without looking it up—would perhaps say that Carlsen was smart to punt the match into tiebreakers where he would enjoy a huge situational advantage over Caruana...”

What? You (rightly) stated a few paragraphs earlier

I was 100% ready to vote for Mirai, and then you threw the pickup player in there. What a ringer.

If this was SB Nation, the capper would read, “Ben is an SB Nation reader who likes chess and was not paid for this interesting content.”