
Holy hell, how do you pick a winner? I don’t even know how you chose the nominees!

Kevin’s question is one of the stupidest you have ever fielded. Like most people, I despise Tom Brady, but who gives a shit if he plays in a bad division? He has to play 13-14 other games to win a championship, and he’s done that five times.

Please, a true professional would say they watched the tape whether or not they actually did (and whether or not the tape was blank).



You wrote this today.
His INT-fest was yesterday.
How exactly is that “0"?

Are you kidding with Shaq? Watching a dude take down entire hoops was fun. Watching a dude repeatedly posterize people is fun. Watching a 300-plus-pound dude dive into the stands to save his team possession is fun. Watching a dude swat shot attempts into next Thursday is fun. Watching a dude brick free throw after

Between thinking an NFL field goal is worth one point and an NHL win is worth three points, I’m starting to wonder if you have ever seen North American sports, Gabe... or at least if you understand what the concept of “points” means in different sports. Holy hell.

So does Deadspin just not have editors at all?

Yeah, that was my immediate thought. Solid reporting!

I was rewatching season one of “Sealab” earlier this week, and I still think it’s one of the most brilliant cartoon seasons ever. The humor is exceptional and insane and timeless.

Jesus, what an asshole.

How in the fuck is that more pathetic? Are you kidding me? He played in Boston for twenty years longer than Jordan played in Miami.

The whole damn team should get a Puskas nomination for that beauty.

Nah, I’m sure there are MAGA chuds who don’t watch MMA at all because women are allowed to fight.

The guy who did it is pretty much basking in his glory on Instagram. I feel bad for somebody who is so stupid, they think the temporary notoriety of being a scumbag is worth rejoicing over.

Great decision by the NHL- he deserves to be an example.

That’s a friggin’ amazing clip.


“Oh My God” is one of my five favorite songs ever. I have listened to it hundreds or perhaps thousands of times, and I’m glad others remember it. Ida Maria is an incredible musician who sadly never got her due, though I’m glad she seems content with raising her son in her hometown in

This article made me far more excited about the possibility that the Giants won’t suck than the actual game did.

Barstool is such filthy pond scum, I feel bad saying that because it’s insulting to pond scum.

I don’t get the point of this article. I firmly believe that Goodell and most owners are massive tools who caved to a shitstain president, and I also believe that there was collusion to keep Kaep out of the league... but what if he actually was trying to learn something? I’m not saying that is definitely the case, but