
I’m not convinced that mistakes were even made. It’s played in a humorous way and I think sometimes we just read way too much into it.

I thought this was a post for women? We dudes already know all about this.

Hatred got my vote for “Villain just needs a hug”. That game could have been prevented had someone just given him a hug.


my dream video game is set in the city I live in. I go find my apartment. Wow, it’s there. It even has a door...this is odd; why would they have a door to a random apartment complex? I go up the stairs and find my number, 1....b. There it is. It says X to enter. This is crazy, the inside even looks the same. I press

In that case, I’m curious as to how bad the ripoff is if you were to take, oh, I dunno, a 1st run copy of Final Fantasy Tactics in for a trade. Do you think you could parley a whole skylanders figure out of it?


They will, of course, sell these for prices that would shame their grandmothers to some sad collector.

Right, it’s not like the player’s character had a loved one murdered right in front of them... oh wait, that’s right. Not to mention a son who’s current status is “complicated”. And in the middle of looking for their son and seeking revenge, the player took time out of their busy schedule to save Marcy Goddamn Long’s


Hi thanks for bringing this up! We are currently working to refine the system! It will only get better at showing accurate and reliable data!

-Nick Divona

That’s the real crime.

Christianity is already represented in Mercy. Angel, wings, healing powers, resurrection. What we need is a good Jewish skin, although I have no clue who the hero would be. Mei maybe?

And in 10 years you will rebuy one and tell everyone how it was the “most unapreacated console of all time. Probably Nintendos best.”

He’s the real next watercooler!

“So son, you want to know where babies come from. Well, a man and a woman meet and then it’s X - Triangle - Shoulder Button, Shoulder Button - roll left stick, roll right stick - OOOOO. That’s where babies come from. And free orbs.”

And yet he’s probably still like “Once you’re done mixing paint in my butthole, I’ve got word of another settlement that needs your help.”

A god of death is usually peaceful and doesn't create death, they have to provide solace to those who have have to cope with the reality that they just lost everything they have lived for, forever. With this information, Totoro would be the opposite of bloodthirsty, and be extremely passive and compassionate, running

Why is it that literally every piece of humor on the internet is considered a troll now? Are we as a society really so fucking sensitive that we have to be offended at everything, for fear that if we don't act offended we might offend someone else? :/