Evan Jackson

Alright dude when you see the movie for a third time please comment back to me and see if it improves more or starts falling flat again. My biggest tip is to try and go in with as much of a open mind as possible but make sure not to compare it a lot to the original film because honestly that really helped me enjoy the

I understand some people will not like the film and that's completely fine but my problem with the youtubers I was talking about is that they were such smart asses with there reviews. One of them even said "The sequel that nobody asked for" even though the movie was one of the highest global box office openings ever

Maybe it was still a baby at the time the events of TLW was still happening?

First, if you guys get a double post I'm very sorry about that and second of all yeah I know some people wont like the movie and that's fine but the two youtubers I'm talking about were such smart asses about it. One of them literally said "The sequel no one asked for." even though Jurassic World is one of the biggest

Yeah, JP is also a 9.5 in my books as well, also in my opinion The Lost World is also a 7 sorta movie it's a simple fun movie. However Jurassic Park 3 is a 5 out of the in my opinion it's a movie you pop in and simply watch for the dinosaurs. And finally we get to Jurassic World which I agree to with the imdb score of

Yeah I can agree with giving Jurassic Park a 9.5 and for the most part think The Lost World is a 7 because I find the movie fun in my opinion. However Jurassic Park 3 in my opinion has and forever will be a 5 for me, it's something you pop in and watch for the dinosaurs and finally we come to Jurassic World in which I

Yeah I'm still surprised that the tone is really my only big issue I had with this movie by the way what's you're grading system because I find 6 to be okay, 7 good, 8 great(get it?) 9 awesome & 10(dosen't exist in my books there as never been a book, video game or movie that's perfect)

Okay i went into the movie expecting a average movie,I have a feeling that everybody here is going to get mad at me when I say this but here's my real opinion… I actually really liked it which is very surprising because everybody here seems to hate it or think it's okay. I'm going to break it up into categories.

I say pure fun.

FIrst I'd like to say sorry to hear you're weekend was hectic, hope everything worked out okay and about the movie I actually have two opinions on it(which is very rare for a movie too do to me) but let me start off with the one most people seem to be doing.(which I highly suggest people don't do)

Alright dude just got back from seeing the movie. Lets start this conversation.

Alright thanks dude we can have a discussion on what we think of the movie tomorrow because I've seen enough good reviews on it(although most say don't even try and compare it to Jurassic Park because it wont stand up to it but it can stand up against lost world) to get me somewhat excited to see it, anyways talk to

Okay I'm going to ask one last question and then I want you to get back to me(if you can that would be great) after a few days and tell me you're final thoughts as well I'll tell my thoughts on the movie. And with that out of the way here's my question, from other reviews I've read I hear for a PG-13 movie it's

Well that's sad to here that's it's only a alright to okay film. If you don't mind can you tell me if there are any scenes in the movie that really pull at your heart strings as you watch? Also if you could please try and keep it relatively spoiler free.

You say the movie? Please tell me it was a good movie or at least a enjoyable one?

The sad thing is the I already know how the fight scene turns out(thank you LEGO Jurassic World trophies)

Let's just put this out there because the cat's pretty much out of the bag. It's the T rex vs Spino scene. That scene broke my heart as a kid and made me hate the spino for so long until the new more aquatic version of the spino that actually looks really cool.

Yeah I know theres plenty, I just really like to pick on that scene. But if there are two major complaints I have is 1 the characters in the movie were just bad the only good one was Dr Alan Grant. And number 2(I know this might cause a war) it was the fight scene. Yeah that fight scene, I'll just stop right there

Yeah the bat nipples and bat ass was the highlight of my entire life.

I'm just saying that because almost every other review i've seen so far has said this is the best Jurassic sequel.
Okay heres my gradeing scale for the Jurassic films(so far)
Jurassic Park A plus: Not much too be said its a classic
The Lost World C: Not as good as JP but still a fun movie in my opinion
Jurassic Park 3 D: