
Just got done watching it - seemed like a lot of the Coulter jokes were low-hanging fruit. Laughed my butt off though.

Sasha Banks needs to ease up on the primer and foundation. She legit looked like she had jaundice

What was embarrassing about it? Nvm, I don't want to feed the MRA trolls. Breitbart is that way ——->

Rebirth would have been a good opportunity to incorporate more diversity into DC's lineup, similar to the good work Marvel is doing with the black Capn America, female Thor, black teen girl Ironman, mixed race Amazing Spider-Man title, female Wolverine, and awesome female Capn Marvel.

Maybe the commenters changed

It's difficult as it also feeds into the narrative the alt-right likes to throw out saying "oh liberals only like free speech when you agree with them."
That's a nonsensical meme that MRA's and the like have to cling to. In reality, liberals/progressives are tolerant about everything except intolerance - ergo


Clearly they did listen. Their front runners were two cubanos, a FL gov who's got a whole family of Hispanics, and they also ran a black neurosurgeon.

The FBI and Justice Department did not let Hillary skate on the emails, nor was there any collusion among the various parties. It's normal and reasonable for Bill Clinton to fly to an airport, drive out to a tarmac and board a separate airplane for a closed-door meeting with the head of the DoJ. They just chatted

I gotta look around for it, but there's some article that actually explains why this is. (Also why there's usually no black lead on dating shows like the bachelor).
Long story short, it is due to racism, but not what you'd expect. The demographic that's most hostile to seeing a handsome black man being pursued or in

Noooooooo it's not! If a white "actress" has a scene with a black guy, she is effectively blacklisted from a lot of other shoots.

I think at this point no one is freaking out anymore. Changing a white character black is pretty much expected at this point anytime a franchise is introduced (or re-introduced) to a new medium (or rebooted in the comics i.e., black Wally West and Max Lorde).

"I'm not racist, but I look forward to seeing examples of racism."

Those are always the worst.

An article came out yesterday saying that Tinder is destroying young mens' self-esteem (bare with me, it's from the Post)…

You don't score until you score!

I don't want to be too harsh on DC (or Archie comics, for that matter). They're doing a pretty good job demonstrating that good writing can make this push work (New Super-Man is a great example of this).

I feel like that should be the true goal of progressivism - that a character's sexuality is considered an afterthought.

This post just makes me miss Zofiac MFer

O'Neal 101: No matter how good a point you're making, always drop in some quip or phrase that suggests you're not playing with a full deck.