
Man, I can’t imagine how quickly this will grind to a halt if you have settlements where you increased the object limit via console (which I ended up doing at every settlement I cared about). Bethesda is good at many things, but writing efficient code is not one of them.

Oh, fuck you. You voted for Hitler. I hope you get cancer.

I have an older version of this model and I’m very satisfied with it.

I have an older version of this model and I’m very satisfied with it.

The one thing it did really well the base building mechanism, so that you finally have a reason to collect junk.

Suda51 loves doing that kind of thing. Flower, Sun, and Rain had endless, obnoxious fetch quests just to satirize games with fetch quests.

255 is 1111 1111 in binary, a full byte of 1s. Probably not a coincidence.

I’m just trying to be irritating. My motto: “Quis trolliet ipsos trolles?” And the response: “Ego!”

You don’t know jack shit about history. Authoritarians like your Donald are the ones who killed those people; actual communists live on farms and support their communities. The American Communist Party have nothing in common with Stalin beyond the name. I know you guys like to draw a line between communists in name

Oh also, you mean “you’re” and not “your,” and it’s spelled “condescension.” I know grammar is tough for you guys, but you may want to try reading a book sometime.

Yes, I’m sure gerrymandering, Russia’s collaboration with Wikileaks to engineer an October Surprise, James Comey derelicting his duty, and Congressional obstruction of Obama’s SCOTUS nomination had nothing to do with it. Your boy is putting vicious racists in charge of every major post, people who were considered too

Please fuck off. Nobody here wants to listen to your Nazi collaborator ass explain why purging immigrants is good for the country.

Makes me think of Swampoodle, the DC neighborhood.

Is there a minigame where you can jack up rent in the Tenderloin and push multigenerational families out to Vallejo? Fits perfectly with the game’s theme.

I thought the plot was weaker in Brotherhood, even if gameplay was stronger. 2 vanilla was a great example of every mission being in service of a plot, and having characters you care about. It was also before “you’re friends with every contemporaneous historical figure” to the absurd extremes it’s gotten to. No, Karl

Interesting because Super Paper Mario is basically Super Mario RPG 2, a game I’ve always wished for…

“Sex worker” covers a wider range of professions, be it stripping, prostitution, cam girls, etc. It also circumvents the negative associations a lot of people have with sex work. If you call somebody a “prostitute,” you’re often slut shaming them. But when I call somebody a “sex worker,” I’m signifying that I think

You must really hate playing Super Mario games.

I’ve noticed that people who bitch about political correctness are the kind of people who say vulgar things to coworkers, and then say “It’s a joke you stupid fags, don’t you get my in-your-face sense of humor?!”

I wish I’d kept better notes! If I have a minute today, I’ll see if Untappd remembers the beers I like best.

Czech beer is some of the most delicious beer on Earth, even their cheapo domestic stuff. That beer is probably better than most virtual American craft beer.