Kia Yolototino


The Las Vegas Bills doesn’t sound right.

As someone who grew up in Indianapolis I do apologize.

Easy now. A good pair of cutoff jorts is great for trimming the grass, painting, or rioting. I did have a buddy tell me I “looked like I was headed to a gay carwash” but I think deep down he was just jealous he was stuck in lame-ass basketball shorts. Also, I WAS headed to a gay carwash so I took it less as ribbing

You should look into the fact that Ron Paul supporters pulled the same nonsense during the 2012 NV Republican convention. I’m certain that most of them became Berniebros.

Meg Ryan.

Just admit it, Albert. Your love for the Mighty Ducks has grown to such an extent that it’s now bleeding into your diction. I get it, and that’s as good of a reason as any for becoming a sportswriter.