In its November issue, Teen Vogue profiled 13-year-old little league star Mo'ne Davis. And Mo'ne is serving.
So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.
Shitting on Australians is totally fine, though, apparently . . .
Well I'm glad someone finally recognized Halloween for what it is, yet another socialist reuse concocted to trick hard working rich people in to helping the less fortunate. I've been onto that scam for years which is why instead of handing out candy I hand out pamphlets carefully explaining to the children that they…
Of course, if anyone were to use welfare to buy candy for their kid, this person would be screaming about how they should be buying nutritious food instead.
So we just end up not talking about determining that point on the line, which is where I believe the real meat of the debate is, because some people don't want to admit spanking could ever be abuse, and others don't want to entertain the idea that spanking could ever not be abuse.
It's cool if you're vehemently pro- or anti-spanking/beating/whooping, but some of us (especially those who aren't parents yet) are still up in the air about it.
Why do you keep on calling it hick attire? I'd wager that their outfits cost more than my week's paycheck. At least. And why do people need to dress up to view priceless art? I work in a building with Sargent murals painted on the wall and in itself, is a work of art. A public palace is what the architect wanted. But…
What are you supposed to wear to a museum? A top hat and monocle?
I hated how obvious it was that something bad was going to happen to Bob. The show hardly pays much attention to him at all, but last night they kept on showing him kissing and mooning over his beautiful girlfriend (whose name I can't remember) in order to make us care about him all of a sudden. They might as well…
A real missed opportunity for a "Drunk in Louvre" headline.
Benevolent sexism is the more accurate term. It's so fucking patronizing to women. It's one of those 'jokes' that are supposed to make us feel better about being women staying within their small gender box like saying that "hey, you don't have as much institutional power as men but you have your feminine wiles which…
Hopefully, the new film will answer one very important question.
Jake Ballard's job is to sell sheets and towels.
" allows us to escape and gasp and kiki with other viewers on Twitter " That word....that word made me look back up at your picture to see if you were black. Lol that is something my mom (and now me) said to us when we were younger "Y'all spent all night hee hee hee'ing and kiki ki'ing , now you tired." lol Idk if…
We were assigned sections with the schedule already worked out ahead of time. Everyone in the section took the same classes, in the same class room, for the entire first year. If someone switches in the first week of school, it's usually out of the day program and into the night one.
I graduated in 1997, so…
I idolized Claudia. She was clearly the best with her "almond shaped eyes and jet black hair".