Steve Harvey is just trying to stay flush in the yards and yards of fabric it takes to make his ankle-length suit jackets.
Steve Harvey is just trying to stay flush in the yards and yards of fabric it takes to make his ankle-length suit jackets.
Ever heard a restaurant employee shouting about weeds or fire or all day and wondered just what the hell they were…
She also did a wonderful twerk for him.
I'm happy that we live in a world where people can dress and do their hair the way they chose. But my problem is that for so long us black women where made fun of for all these "new" styles. I remember me and my sisters and friends being made fun of by our white classmates for having fake hair, being made fun of by…
Another great piece from She Who Stays Woke, Kara Brown, Our Lady Of Killing It, Teller of Truths and Dispeller of Lies.
Yeah, this is crazy. Like, no shit, I also have fine, fuzzy hairs around my temple. I brush them back or style them under, because I am white and that is how white people generally handle baby hairs. Black people handle them differently, in a broad stylistic sense. This is not complicated. No one is saying that…
"hey,look at my cool cornrows."
Nope. I didn't say that only black people have baby hairs at all. I said that this specific styling of them is unique to black and latina women.
We need to discuss some recent, ill-advised uses of the word "urban." I am not a fan of using that word to describe…
Just confirmation that Biden does, in fact, behave like a "cat-daddy uncle", as KiaJD suggested. That is all.
One of my brother's friends (a woman) was part of an Olympic medal winning team. They had an audience with Joe upon their return from London. He gave her the once-over, a wink and said, "strong and beautiful, you are the full-package, young lady." She said it should have been creepy, but it wasn't. She felt as…
Questions to ask yourself before saying you have an Inner Black Woman: 1) Are you Teena Marie? If you answered 'NO' to this question, then you do not have an Inner Black Woman
I get what you are saying but I don't think the 'Jew fro' has been established as a common ethno-racial marker for Jewish people, ethnic Jews or otherwise for this to be a thing. In the Jewish diaspora, to my knowledge, there are not a majority of Jews with a 'Jew fro'. I'm not saying that hair texture is NEVER used…
The point is the experiences of Jewish people are used to trivialize the experiences of black people, not the other way around. The author was attempting to preempt that "oh hey I know exactly what it's like to be black because I have curly hair even though I'm white" by telling you to knock it off before you even…
Blerg. The author's point still stands - hair texture has been a racial identifier for people of the black diaspora. It's right up there with skin color (obvs) and the half-moon fingernail tests when it comes to ways that the 'one drop' rule has been violently enforced. If whites in North America at least have their…
During last night's Video Music Awards, Beyoncé melted the MTV stage by performing a medley of her latest…
This morning Anonymous tweeted the name of the police officer they claim killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri…
Roxane, totally. We can become better feminists by holding ourselves to higher standards. We can speak up instead of staying silent. We can deny ourselves the pleasures we know are problematic. We have to be willing to make hard choices to become better feminists.