It's interesting (and probably for the best) that they left any uber religious families out of this, or even casual religious. I could just as easily see something like this listed above:
It's interesting (and probably for the best) that they left any uber religious families out of this, or even casual religious. I could just as easily see something like this listed above:
I am black and I am in a sorority mentioned in this article and have black friends in other NPC groups (including another mentioned here). And we probably would have never attempted to rush at this school. It would have been a waste of time and money. I'm mad my HQ (and others') refuses to address these chapters'…
"Sorority member Kirkland Back", though, you guys. Kirkland Back. It's like the most Southern Sorority Girl name EVER. How mad was little Kirkland's mom when Costco made that their store brand?
Wow, let's just start the onslaught of "WHY DO PEOPLE JOIN SORORITIES UGH SLUTS AND RICH WHITE GIRLS" and get it over with. Because I'm getting pretty fucking sick of feeling like I have to defend Greek Life on every related post on Jezebel.
"He wore a fedora" still stands though. One step at a time.
Theodore Wafer, the man who fatally shot Renisha McBride in the face on his porch last fall, has been found guilty…
Involving Beyonce, not involving Beyonce, I don't even care— can we STOP with the idea that if a man cheats, it's because his wife wasn't treating him well? Even if what this gal is saying is true, Jay-Z's choices are HIS OWN, regardless of if Beyonce was the perfect wife/person/whatever. This gal needs a shoe chucked…
Mike Will Made It.
I honestly can't see a difference just because one is old.
You know, I'm a teenage girl, and what would've been helpful for dealing with body issues wouldn't have been less women showing off their bodies, it would've been more support from my parents and those around me. It's actually pretty condescending, to say that women showing off their bodies proudly is going to hurt…
If you were dating and he said he wanted to downgrade to friendship status, that is not the same as being "friend-zoned." Being friend-zoned is when (in the victimized mind of the person using the term) the guy (it's usually a guy) wants to date the girl, but instead of asking her out he tries to be her friend. Then…
I hate the correlation of not-straightened and unkempt. I've told this story here before, but I represented a Puerto Rican kid in Brooklyn Family Court who had longish hair, and he pulled it back for his court date (complete with suit, tie, Yes Your Honor/No Your Honor), and the judge actually had the gall to tell…