
DeSantis is garbage. I really hope Gillum wins.

Because you’ve seen Reality Bites?

If he would like the news stories that come up to not be “bad” then he should stop doing/saying/tweeting awful shit.

So, this fucking story popped up in my news feed-

Consumer confidence pops in August to highest level since October 2000.

you have your and i have mine.....

“lived in a more respectful time” = “women were ‘sacred’” = “back in the good ole days where you could slap your wife and grope your secretary without anybody getting all lawyered-up, and the coloreds knew their place”

What they don’t say is that we lose Jobs and over 800 Billion Dollars a year on really dumb Trade Deals

Please don’t make us be subjected to Trump in jeans. :( At least the ill-fitting massive suits hide whatever is going on there. *waves hands in a general and slightly panicked fashion*

And a sleeveless dress.

Also - if you’ll just step into the Way Back Machine for a moment - Jackie Kennedy used to get crap for wearing European designers.

My guess is that Melania doesn’t care about trolling anyone, she just doesn’t want to dress like a farmer. I can even picture some of the not entirely stupid people in the White House (I assume there’s one or two? Maybe??) begging her not to wear this insanely expensive shit and she’s just ignoring them because she

I’m usually just a lurker, and apologies for the tl;dr, but having this space to feel comfortable enough to post this, even if no one reads it, feels amazing.

Ok, here goes: I’m pregnant, I really didn’t want to be, but after a two-week wait to get into Planned Parenthood, something hit me and I thought it was all

I love those commercials. Her highlights look so perfect in them. Every time I see them I daydream about asking my stylist to recreate them. But I haven’t done it, because I also worry that with my straighter hair, the look will end up more “Melania” than “Jennifer.”  And then I’d have to throw myself off a bridge.

Celebrate women for having it together and being strong enough help others without labeling them as “co-dependent.”

Denise was a goddamn saint. She took the next wives KIDS when she went into her tail spin to give them a stable environment.

Denise Richards is another superstar that Charlie Sheen does not deserve. 

I love when they tell us Harry and Megan live in a cottage as if they’re living some quaint life in a tiny 3 room house. 

Jennifer Garner seems to value keeping the father of her children alive. More stories about celebrity compassion, please. Even if you have to make them up.

I thought his only friends were John Miller and John Barron*, and I can’t wait for them to turn on him!