The question here is will this version of Resident Evil still contain that godawful soundtrack from the Director’s Cut?
The question here is will this version of Resident Evil still contain that godawful soundtrack from the Director’s Cut?
Most crows prefer soft and silky.
I thought we could have a 2018 without this spineless whimpering about “muh feelz”
I really don’t think I’m misreading you. You said you wear glasses, are balding a little, and have autism, all of which are “things made fun of in comedy”, right? Anyway, that’s not important. You make an excellent point about The Big Bang Theory though, I didn’t consider that. It sort of is comedy making fun of…
I keep seeing a lot of comments refuting this take with examples of how blackface is dumb (which it is) because of instances in American history. Except we’re not talking about Americans doing blackface. It’s someone who is friggin Japanese doing it. Think about that.
It’s not ignorance of history that drives most folks to think blackface is unacceptable. It’s an understanding that “two wrongs don’t make a right,” and, “well, other people have done it too” is not an excuse that adults should accept in an attempt to justify racist behavior.
I’ll give you that the cultural context of…
It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.
It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some…
I repeat: they could have offered the memorial DLC for free with some percent of net game sales over a period of time going to the family. There’s a real gesture of goodwill.
I don’t think you got the right one
Came for a Rick and Morty reference. Was disappointed:
And muscle enhancements to arms. Then she stole Chun Li’s legs!
Any time i see the phrase ‘sour grapes,’ i always think of this first...
War. War never changes. Wait, that’s not right...
Very excited. I really love the franchise and it getting another installment is cool on it’s own. It being more open than Absolution is very exciting. I liked Absolution, but it was no Blood Money. Can’t wait to revisit my favorite bald bar coded Hitman.