
Best use of 3D right there! also the desert palace is silly fun sve for the stealth part... I hate stealth in non stealth games :P

Most asian countries(and PLENTY of European ones, let’s not play the who’s more racist game) have populations where they have a 90% majority. They never had to learn respect or understanding in the same way.
So you are saying that African black people are racist too because they are majority in Africa. good that

Duh ofc it’s a racist Black Panther is a BLACK!!! character and if something like a promotional statue is ruined it’s not because some vandal wanted to destroy something ... no it’s attacked because he is BLACK!!! if it was an Iron man statue it was ok, Thor statue too, Spider-man? fine but not Luke Cage he is

Some guy from the team has been targeted for not putting black people in the game(that propably will get slandered, if put in, for non-accurate representation anyway, because ‘they’ need to hate on something to feel validated in life) or letting the player pick a female lead character in a story about the son of a

She was the only interesting ‘romance’( And I use that term loosely) in this game, the rest were fine as party members with the exception of cole because rogues die too fast in this game.
This game just proves to me once again that video game relationships in games as a game mode are rarely any good.
I want to care

“being white gives you a short shelf life aesthetically as it is.” whoaa! hold it with the racist comments will ya.

“...a black man could be deemed guilty simply from an outpouring of alabaster outrage” And in this day and age a white man can lose his jobe or entire career from a simple outpouring of ebony or estrogen outrage not much of an improvement same shit different shape..

What a weird reason not to play games... is it hard to be a 24/7 edgelord?

SJW will complain about anything these days, if one were to make a game about USA during the 1800's they’d be mad that most black people are portrayed as slaves and being treated badly by some slave owners ( not all some did respect their ‘property’)
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t, you simply can’t win with

This just in! Boobs are still nice!

I’ll stick with the DS version, thank you!

While interesting to know their origins does it really make you feel like you are on the ‘proper side’of history by re-adding their original meaning? I am so aggitated by the way you close this article, making people feel guilty by now innocent phrases and it’s easy to make people feel guilty with racism because it’s

No one forces you to NOT use em anymore, it doesn’t make you a racist or a bad person to use any of these phrases, their original meaning has been long lost in time.
And just because some smug guy on a website tells you that your are bad for doing so just tell em to bugger of!

For those that never played Dead Space, it’s free on Origin at time of writing, it can be a bit unnerving but it’s a great horror action game.

Now playing

I hate to burst this writers bubble but...oh wait I love to do this.

He’s a cooking utensil?

My hardest choice is to actually engage in virtual romances, their stilted and forced nature is so unrealistic and offputting and cringe worthy that I can never find any joy in ‘romancing’ characters in games(Not that I have any better luck in real life but that’s another story).
And maybe I just never found virtual

Very under-rated licensed soundtracks are the Sleeping dogs and the Scar face ones, They first one introducing me to great artists such as Bonobo and Lorn. the later, while very cet in the same period as Vice City, does it’s own thing and captures the era in a different way that Vice city does. Another Honerable

This reminds me of having fever dreams.

So it didn’t age well because it was so good that many people were inspired by it and still are? That it influenced countless of other media?
The movie has flaws, just like the protaganist and the antagonist, the entire blade runner universe is flawed and yet like these fictional people, this movie succeeds dispites