
Should we now? I mean exclusively... why not just fight on behalf of people in some form or another why bring race in it like that...
I think Schultz did a great job, he created a character with no flaws so it could not harm of offend anyone and thus the char became boring and uninteresting.
It’s a perfect example of

They are still an improvement over the original :) same as the movement, if you wanna give the voxel version a look, Outcast 1.1 is about 6 euro (idk other prices ok!) on steam and GoG, this is the original game optimized for current systems with xbox gamepad support and the like, still a better experience than the

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It aged terrible but in this day and age it’s impressive what they tried to pull off despite it being a mess in the end but it’s still an interesting game,

Don’t forget the often forgotten Jurassic park: trespasser. A game so ambitious with it’s physic based puzzles, open world and advanced dinosaur AI, it was so ahead of it’s time that it was doomed to fail, 1998 pc’s weren’t ready for the thing that halflife 2 and GTA III did 3 to 6 years later.

The screw you was only ment for those that want the world to be a safespace that caters to their desires but I guess whoever the cap fits...
The girl in the picture was in in the joke, we don’t have enough context to judge about it, just because a joke in bad taste was made doesn’t make these girls evil or not treating

Yes my avatar is Hulk Hogan, you just make assumption based on that yet do not even know my motivations for my actions.
And yes I can most certainly talk to (black) people about class and race privilige give me a valid reason why I couldn’t do that.
I am not minimizing the effect of American slavery but slavery is

Where and how would I give that impression?
I only stated that slaves did a variety of task including but not limited to picking cotton.
Most people were working hard for their landlords, the church they barely got by if at all.
These landlords and the church made the laws of the land as they saw fit and supressed most

I am just saying racism happens in all walks of life, in all eras among all races.
As long as there are people who don’t see eye to eye, who refuse to understand eachother and seek reasons to scorn another, they make things like race, gender, religion a reason to blame others for several thing.
This is an issue that is

Yes, it is a stereotype, not all black people picked cotton as slave, some worked on railroads or tabacco plantations or as personal servants to people who could afford slaves. ( not all white people owned slaves mind you, that was a privilige only for the wealthy, most people needed to work just as hard as a slave to

So you are saying all people are racist and we just need to deal with it?
if you have black friends you are a racist, if you don’t judge people by color, you are a racist.
So people are just racists everyone is, no way around it, Asians are racists, Negros are racist, Caucasians are racist, all people in between too.

seeped and sogging wet with racims? really... because Trump got elected, really?
Just because people make up jokes based on silly stereotypes that those people propably didn’t came up with themselves doesn’t make them racist.
Asking a black person out on a date like that is not racist.
It’s dumb and unsensitive, yes.

Tell that to 14/15 year old me who had a tnt2 card and fancy shooter games like Turok 2 and Soldier of fortune and the likes. :P

Yes, I tried to play this game recently and the graphics and interface haven’t aged well at all when it was released I was not that interested in games like this, too much talking and such so I went for diablo 2 instead ( no regrets)

I wil say this again and again and again. Stop with these semi-forced romance plots in games they always feel awkward unrealistic and are hardly ever fun.
In Shadowrun Dragon’s fall I helped people develop their backstories because I wanted to set right what was wrong because their writing made me care about the people

Truth be told I find Miranda to be one of the most unattractive videogame faces I’ve ever seen. I do not understand why people thinks she is attractive at all. I mean sure her body looks nice but her face is so awkward and not sexy at all. I’ll take te rebooted Lara Croft anytime over Miranda butterface
Maybe I am just

The burning crusade has been all over the universe they have subdues countless of planets and races, surely one of them could’ve been an advanced race with space tech. It’s stupid to think that it’s impossible.

This is one of those: “I believe in freedom and equality for everyone who agrees with me!” kinda talks.
I personaly feel like Destiny comes across as a douchelord supreme with extra dip.
He’s shoving one rethoric after another into JohnTrons mouth and expects him to swallow it too

All JT is saying that immigrants bring

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Tsk Tsk, you got them all confused you both ment

Man, I remember getting this game and Extreme-G2 (gotta love the 90's) with my TNT2 video card. I played the hell out of it, blasting holes in baddies with the shotgun or using the Tek-bow to snipe uglies from afar and burn these nasty little dinosaurs with a flamethrower... good times good times...

Blizzards Blackthorne was pretty solid and one often forgotten gem in the genre and an alltime favorite of mine, Heart of darkness but that one came out around the same time as Abe’s exodus but has been in development before Abe’s oddeysee release so it still counts.