
it’s not a brain dead stare, it’s hyper focus, braindead stares usually look vacant and hollow, devoid of any life or interest, these are eyes that are too busy focussing on screen and the brain is firing away to solve the ingame ‘problems’ he cannot be arsed to obeserve his surrounding.

For games it seems to me that there is also a lot of ambition involved as the genre tries to prove itself as capable of being the means to tell an engaging and mature story and sometimes they succeed but more often than not it sticks to shonen anime and summer popcorn action flick levels of storytelling. not to say

Well never thought I’d ever saw 8-bit version of Columbo and Kojak This game looks nice I have a soft spot for 16 bit pixel cities

I agree with you on this and I also think that the fact that wow is the work of many different people over a long time span covering different worlds not just a single area in a world during a specific time period as tolkien did with Lotr. To me WoW is a mixed bag of so many good and bad stuff and it has become such a

as a Teenager I always wanted Arnold Schwarzenegger to play Duke Dukem where he just went about killing aliens and had a different gun every other scene without explaination because FPS logic.

I think it’s hard to write for a videogame, You cannot tell the story the same way you do in a book or movie or play, Sure you can avoid certain tropes But a lot of story telling in a game can ( and imo should) be done trough exploring, the surrounding, character mannerisms trough animation while doing simple task

It’s funny that people use Tolkien in these argument as Tolkiens world is also a hodgepodge of influences from northwest-european cultures.
To me Wow’s disjointed chaotic nature seems fitting of an entire world because it gives the idea of the world not being a thought out, roadmapped whole but just a series of event

Dark soul 2 is my first encounter with the series and 3 is my second I have never played the first maybe I will someday but I only play PC so Demon souls and Bloodbourne are out of the question.

he has amazing augmented stability, when walking his gait is flawless as he glides angel like trough the air.

Who wouldn’t want their package up that butt? ( ok, I let myself out)

You guys nailed it, I wonder if he ever got cold feet as he tried to bring this game to heel and went toe to toe with a footsoldier I would be tired on my feet but I guess some are more footloose and fancy free than me but it’s good to see people kick up their heels like this.

All these pictures of bare bellies makes me long for a womans warmth... I hate my lonely life...
anyway! Nice cosplay!

poptarts are silly and I say that as a non American!
But the more important question is, is that a bucky-o-hare or jazz jackrabbit tattoo you got there?

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”
- Bill Hicks

It’s called Antropomorphic Animals, Furries only applies when there is sexualisation in play and there is none here.
You sure must be a lot of fun at parties.

Gotta use Duplo blocks for filling they are a lot more suitable for that.

Having fun with the SNES VC playing DKC 1&2 on my NEW 3DS the other game I play and love is Dark souls 3. Been booting up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger now and then felt like gettin’ ma cowboy on. Replayed Shadow warior reboot again. Hoping Deus ex will be good but for me this will be a bleak year. I did enjoy the

Mei is also very good counter for roadhog, as he is impossible to miss with her freeze ray and personally I also found flanking reinhardt with roadhog an effective way to leave the rest open for attack.

Sigh benchmarks like this make me want to upgrade my videocard, I am rocking a 280x and can still run GTA V at solid 60fps on highest settings on my system but it feels that for the coming years I might want to look into something else for my graphics.

The worst thing about this whole ‘furry’ thing is that it ruins the entire concept of antropomorphic animals.