
PFFFF yeah Nintendo rehashes Zelda a bazillion times because let’s see... you got your Legend of Zelda on the NES, top down action game, then it became side scrolling with overworld then it became top down again with a paralel world then it became a musical adventure ( still top down but meh gameboy tech), then it

CdProjekt IS polish maybe that makes up for a lot.
Bad jokes aside this game has a nice concept that might work if it’s not just a jump scare game but more of a tension builder.
Regarding The evil within. it was a whole lot of fun, flawed but fun. A bit too many nudges to games like RE 2 but it felt like a good blend

Now playing

Idk if it fully counts as a spring release but I’ll add this because the intro is so awesome and it fits the 80’s feel of the show.

Sports, I don’t get them. :P

People don’t hate on mobile games as a concept but they hate the state most mobile games come in, they are either expensive and/or awkward to play.
Take a game like vicy city for example. It looks worse then it did on the PS2 and it plays like trying to balance yourself on shoes made of butter on a hot slope.

Well people have claimed I ‘have it’ but I tend to slack on things making it hard to really develop certain things like perspective, anatomy all the techincal stuff that makes it all the more coherent an pleasing to the human eye.
Having talent makes drawing a little cartoon figure from scratch seem like a breeze and

Wish I could draw like that :( Sadly my total lack of disicpline prevents me from this.

I am not against female lead chars in games but i am against this trend of making male leads-female, white people, black etc. just for the sake of avoiding arguments and conflicts with political correct fan boys and girls...
it’s fine if you want to be political correct but in my experience politcs are rarely correct.

Outrun only number 10?
M2 made that game so good on the 3DS that it should be number one! :P

They are real stunt men/women :P

Man Mercenaries 2 was and wasn’t a lot fo things but it wasn’t God awful, dispite being a techincal mess it was a blast to play and still a very enjoyable game that I remember fondly. It did a lot of things right at the time sadly also a lot wrong.
Not going to say it compares to JC 2 but flawed as it was it was still

Loved this anime, found it a bit unnerving at first but it grew on me quickly.

My biggest gripe with dying light and other, for lack of a better word, hardcore/modern games is their setting not perse it’s premise or mechanics but what is so interesting about a game in ‘our’ realitiy? Why not apply this to a not drab looking sandbox of a sandbox.

Hey! the pc version of Silent Hill 2 does look better then the ps2 version not by much but still. but that they didn't base this game on the PS4/XB1 version is strange as it would be easier to port from those machiens to a pc.

No! No! Noooooooooooooo!!!

That's a simple answer: My best Chrono Trigger experience is Chrono Trigger .

They do when a team choses asthetics over gameplay as most game projects have limited time and money. People tend to get impressed by good graphics and buy on first impressions (cinematic trailers and scripted ingame footage.)

It's impressive what these engines can do these days but if it's once again used for

I have been wanting one for ages and my hopes haven't died now that they actually redsigned them. A game like Lost Vikings 3 would only need a small team to develop they just can't cut corners on the writing and the level design and blizzard hardly ever cuts corners on their art direction so I'm not worried about that.

I agree we don't need colors in our games!
Shades of brown and grey are all we need!
Begone colors I banish thee to the abyss of kiddiegames!