
I used to work for a largish company and like every largish company sometimes we let people go because the position was changing, sometimes they were fired for cause, and sometimes it was for unknowable reason x.

Honestly not taking a side in the “I’lL sTaNd Up tHe SeCoNd I CaN!,” vs “wait till the people near you are actually starting to exit,” debate, though I notice only one side seems to be shouting their declaration.

Fun list, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why whether other animals do something matters. There’s virtually nothing more human than language and no other animals do that. We don’t sit around and ponder whether it is a violation of natural law to tell a limerick.

Which is a good start, but you need it for everyone who wants any gun, not just people trying to get LTC.

Yeah, this particular writer tends to skip providing any actual information. I really have to start looking at the name before clicking through to an article that doesn’t mention some of the most important aspects of the topic being discussed.

I think you fundamentally misunderstand how analogies work if you think similar = identical.

The Life is Strange games. Any storyline heavy game where you can make the choices together can be fun to play as a couple or group.

The Life is Strange games. Any storyline heavy game where you can make the choices together can be fun to play as a

Good point, add it to the list. They should both require extensive classes, background checks, screenings and waiting periods to get. You know, like a car.

I’ll never understand why people give a flying F’ what the founders knew or didn’t know. We have a process to change the constitution, it can and has changed regularly over the course of the country’s history and I can’t imagine many things sadder than the person who is willing to relegate major decisions about their

The thing to remember is, if this is working then there is something that physically could and should be repaired. If this is fixing a stuck hard disk, that thing is not long for this world. You need to replace it now. If it is working on your car’s fuse box, it is time to look into that before the kick stops working.

Yeah, you’d never catch me on a cruise, but there are only a couple of these that are worth considering, like the environmental impact, all of the others are just the same sort of risks you run any time you leave the house.

I have taught English to adults learning it as a second language for quite some time, and I’m going to let people off the hook 10% here.

Yeah, this is like the morons who saw cellulose on the cheese containers and thought they had sawdust in them because cellulose = tree. On a chemical level, lots of things are a lot like lots of other things.

A) You show me anybody who associates Taco Bell with Latinx cultures.

Can’t wait for some hot takes from the greys on SNAP.

Please label your wine glasses if you ever have people over. I’m not super picky, but I’d love to know it if you are planning to serve me something in a dish you don’t believe in washing.

Don’t let them get away with the term “pro-life,” they’re “pro-birth.” Once you’re born you’re on your own. Health care, education, housing, and basic nutritional needs? Lord knows the pro-life folks aren’t helping you with any of that. They’ll support your life just as much as they support the poor girls they bully,

Lifehacker. Your home for things that either won’t work, or will work far worse than the much easier and more common alternative.

Give your life to Jesus.

Damn! You’re right. There’s no way that’s a natural human skin color.