
Yeah, BMI is such bad science that it is legitimately hard for me to not be ‘overweight,’ (I’m 6'4" and broad shouldered),’ I look sick at ‘healthy,and my wife who is 5'2" has a similar issue. Neither one of us ‘needs,’ it, but it’s hard to turn down.

Ugh, I can’t wait to spend the next 4 months explaining that this means one household, not one at a time.

Ugh, contending with the opposite of this. I really want to ask anyone who turns down the vaccine why. I’m not going to ask them, for the reasons mentioned in the article, but honestly the reason I want to is because I want to keep liking them.

The thing is that none of them actually have an age, they are drawings. I understand the script for an anime will have a character’s age in it, but most of the time they are in junior high or high school because that is the setting they want, not because someone is out to sexualize kids. Then, the artists draw a manga

I know you’re not really supposed to do it most places, but what you want is something commercial.

I know you’re not really supposed to do it most places, but what you want is something commercial.

Or, you know, part with the $3. 

What was your response to employee safety during the pandemic, and what policies do you have in place for employee safety during similar emergencies in the future.’

most people don’t buy

Sadly I’ve moved away from that joyous land for work. You won’t be surprised to find out it was Boulder Colorado. 

You absolutely have that right. You exercise it by not using products that rely on business models you don’t like. You’re asking for the right to free stuff, not the right to not be advertised to.

‘Remember when we read Harry Potter, with the wizards, giants, and elves, then we saw those kids playing quidditch at the park?’

Meh, I’m not interested in debating this with you.

See that’s the thing though. I absolutely agree with your meaning of ‘particular,’ which is why I don’t feel like it applies to those of us who have gotten a little overly tense because of the stress of the last year.

I think I made it quite clear I don’t use these phrases, and that this was a honest question meant earnestly, so I’m going to do my best to assume I’m misinterpreting the tone of your post and you don’t mean to sound like your condescendingly talking to a child.

Haha, thanks, from here on out I’m posting twice on any post where I mention I’m bipolar, because now that you mention it it’s cracking me up.

The people who take the time to create things and share them with the public deserve at least the opportunity to be paid for the time they put in, and directly copying their creations in a way that strips them of that opportunity is ethically messed up.

Hmmm, I don’t know, I make a Butterfinger chocolate cake saturated with sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce that is grey area a war crime.

Another great reason not to use ‘crazy,’ is it lets people off the hook.

Bipolar here, and the only thing that has ever bothered me was when people mean it.

Very interesting. So it’s just ethically messed up not legally so. Good to know.