
I have a creative based side hustle and I’d like to add for all the would be pot stirrers out there, we are INCREDIBLY aware of the subsection of the population that thinks we suck. They are extremely vocal and happy to be huge ******** anywhere they think we might see it. If someone has taken the time to discuss our

I can’t believe my personal bar has been driven so low now that enforcing the most basic rules imaginable to slow what was essentially government assisted manslaughter seems like a massive victory.

I’ve never understood the ‘kids don’t like books where people don’t act normally.’

One thing I think a lot of schools/parents miss is that while in the US when we say ‘The Holocaust,’ we tend to mean the Nazi genocide perpetrated against the Jewish people, but there have been many holocausts around the world and too many of us associate the idea of genocide with one man controlling one nation, as

She used to have on that had ‘girl,’ in the name (I don’t remember exactly what it was), and her current one is a pinkish/purplish pastel color.

I feel like the title and tone here are backwards. Women should be using ‘men’s’ products to avoid the pink tax. My wife’s razors cost more, not mine. Men don’t need ‘masculine,’ beauty products, but neither do women need ‘feminine,’ ones, and if you are wanting to avoid paying more for no reason the products you

There is the added responsibility of watching their relationship with one another.

I mean, you can understand a lot of that without subjecting yourself to that flaming dumpster fire of a book.

I’m sure most of what he’ll be leaning on will be the tried and true science:

This is like ‘can you make real money playing scratchers?’

You’re all still talking to your Trump loving relatives? Man, if there were ever a qualification for sainthood, I think you’ve found it. 

I’m sure someone will tell me how worth it they are, but $190 for jumper cables? That’s insane.

I’m sure someone will tell me how worth it they are, but $190 for jumper cables? That’s insane.


Many great points, though honestly I’m getting a little annoyed with people refusing to call a spade a spade. 

I’ve got no particular love for the social media giants, but if you find you or the people you follow are getting suspended/banned so often that you’re ready to bust out your passport to get somewhere that’ll really let you get some hatemongerin’ done, it’s probably time for a long hard look in the mirror.

Which would be ideal if we didn’t have a two party system, and you didn’t have to have a majority in the senate and house to get anything accomplished. Since everyone votes down party lines, that means I have to vote in a party not a person.

I feel like every non-American I know always felt like this was on the table. If anything, they are more well versed in our flaws as a country than we are thanks to a non-white/rich/cis/misogynist-washed education system.

Yup, I can’t be the only one who saw violent idiots whipped into a frenzy by a conservative politician and felt like it was totally on brand for us.

If your pets don’t even have the rabies vaccine, you shouldn’t have them.

Not sure how much of this applies to someone who considers themself a performer. (which this guy apparently does)