
Maybe I’m cynical, but I’m of the opinion that 90% of people who aren’t covering their nose know exactly what they are doing. They are putting on the mask to get into the store or comply with work policy, but they don’t like it, wouldn’t be wearing it if they could get away with it, and don’t care.

Be sure to ask your vet about whatever you are planning. I have a dog who just finished eye surgery (as in 4 days ago or so) and the cone is all that will physically keep her paw away from her eye. She can get her paw around all the tubes, and obviously clothes are out for face stitches. It’s also the only option for

This is that old line about ‘when all your friends keep saying you’re an alcoholic. . . ‘ If you’re profession has burned so many bridges and made so many enemies you think the folks at McDonald’s might take the initiative to poison you, the problem is YOU, not the kid making 7.50 an hour. Maybe, you know, release a

In what world does it take extra time to mess with someone’s food? I don’t believe for a second that is what was happening to our ‘real victim,’ here, but who needs more than 30 seconds to make food horrifying and inedible? Of all the things one can do with food, ruining it is the fastest.

Used to work a sh*tty food service job where lots of cops came through. Lots of other employees used their discretion to give away freebies to them, it will be a stupid but lifelong source of pride for me that no cop I served ever paid a cent less than was on the menu. 

Yup, it’s solidly ridiculous. I think it’s important it be known I’m reporting, not supporting, her nonsense. 

He’s one of those guys who I think would absolutely describe his marriage as ‘prison,’ so I’m not sure they don’t deserve each other.

Had my cousin-in-law (is that a thing?) give me a lecture on how sous-vide wasn’t how she wanted men to cook their meat and how traditional ways were better as we ate at a steak house that I happen to know used that cooking method on the majority of their steaks before finishing, because of course they did. She said

Just because I’ve had a grey or two ask ‘what kind of expert,’ as though it were some kind of trump card and I don’t feel like ungraying them for what I feel is a disingenuous question:

So far I’ve had two sets of relatives have someone come down with symptoms and throw their hands up in the air: ‘oh well, if they have it there is no way the rest of us in the house aren’t going to get it.’ Thanksgiving (assuming in person Thanksgiving is even possible), is going to be tense after the level of

It’s funny, the other articles on Lifehacker concerning privilege (and the other members of its larger related media group) have this breakdown in the comments of a large percentage of people basically saying ‘yeah, I have that privilege, I wish people of color did too,’ a slightly smaller group doing some version of

I’m not saying this in support or opposition to any specific terms here, but I’m always confused by the guys who try to use etymology as a reason to keep using a word. Language changes, always and forever. Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to

That’s an urban legend. There was no real trope one way or the other, and there are lots of examples of good guys in black and bad guys in white. But, that’s just a movie tidbit. It has nothing to do with any of this. 

You touch on this, but check to see if your plan covers anything you were going to do anyway. I found one that covered neutering, and the vet was willing to include the teeth cleaning at the same time for an extra $70 meaning the first two years of premiums were a wash and we basically ended up with the coverage

Just an FYI to those interested in getting their first deck, there’s a subset of tarot decks that people sometimes call ‘oracle decks,’ that often don’t use the standard suits and will vary wildly in number of cards. There’s nothing wrong with that. Oracle decks are fun and often beautiful, but if you want to use any

Just an FYI to those interested in getting their first deck, there’s a subset of tarot decks that people sometimes

I’m sure I won’t be the first or last to say this, but if at all possible take the car out occasionally. There are lots of maladies that can be avoided by skipping door dash once a week and taking the car down to Chipotle. It need not be a country drive. I mostly just take mine to get the ever increasing coating of

We had some around our deck for a long weekend and they seemed to bug young nieces and nephews far more than deer (the intended targets).

I’ve never understood Americans who expect to have the same rights abroad as at home, especially when it comes in the form of trashing the local government. Who knows enough to have a serious objections to a government but doesn’t know that the government in question doesn’t respond well to dissent. Obviously those

Am I the only one a little surprised you can sue for this? I’ve been entering low odds contests for prizes I probably could have easily bought since I was a kid (where else was I supposed to get an official Nickelodeon Stick Stickly lunch bag), and this always seemed like the deal. ‘We’ll give you low odds at a

I used to own a car only a few years older than this and I remember that the steering column didn’t actually have the ability to move/crumple in the event of a crash, making it just a four foot long steel pole designed to steak you through the heart a la Buffy in the event of a crash. I’m honestly sort of surprised