
I feel like this is willfully missing the point. I don’t think I’ve ever read an article where the coffee example wasn’t meant to be exactly that, an example. It’s “hey, look at the sort of silly expenditures we forget about every day, you have this constant passive stream flowing out of your bank account,” not “You

haha, I feel like I must have been unclear. I get what the article said, I get what people are saying I should do, and I get why they are telling me to do those things. I don’t know that I have the wherewithal in that moment to not call for emergency assistance, and I’m just noting that fact about myself.

Hey, I’m totally sold. It’s better to not call right away, I just virtually guarantee I won’t stay that mellow about the whole thing. With prior knowledge about that specific person, maybe I could find that kind of chill, but if it happens in a grocery store or restaurant or something, yeah I think I could hold off

The epilepsy foundation is seriously overestimating my level of zen if they think I’m going to still be calmly assessing the seizure during minute four.

If you have a job that requires a TON of notes, and I mean dozens of pages a day, invest in learning shorthand. It sounds ridiculous, but I learned it before college, and now I can get quotes from speakers down word for word, even keep track of when they misspeak (which, it sounds weird, but what they misspeak about

It makes me feel like all my friends just realised that her and her partner are more fun than me and so they’re going with them.

Where I used to live there were signs about the size of a stick of gum on the seat or kick plate behind the driver that said something like “for driver safety video surveillance is in use,” or something similar. No clue if it would be enough to cover you if someone actually wanted to press the issue in court, but the

Where I used to live there were signs about the size of a stick of gum on the seat or kick plate behind the driver th

Pithy though that may be, if you’re signing a piece of paper saying you’ll do something specific with/for a company, it’s a “contract.” It might be a sh*tty, unenforceable, usurious one, but that’s the word we use.

And ideally they would nail it every time, but that really isn’t the reality. Hiring good people is insanely tricky.

To the people saying this is a sign of a sh*tty work environment, or high turnover, that could be the case, but there are lots of other reasons a contract could be useful.

I think, stupid or not, we all have our own version of this. 

I’m certain I have my own version of this somewhere. 

Just let your child rearing friends slowly fade into the background. There are new friends out there, with the disposable income to join in on group activities and the ability to go out without having to wait for the stars to align for a babysitter.

Whenever I read an article like this it makes me nervous. I didn’t know this was a thing people thought, and it seems to make so little sense that I have trouble imagining how anyone could think it.

Never give a hard time to anyone about something that isn’t their fault, and when it is their fault, go ahead and keep things in perspective and still treat them like a human. Zero% of all this is the fault of anyone you can actually talk to at a Popeye’s location, so go ahead and take a few deep breaths.

Depends on your goal. Usually, if I’m insulting someone, it’s to get at them, not for the crowd, and I’ve met lots of idiots who would be enraged by it being implied they were gay. Which, seems to be right up evil week’s alley: is it ok? No. Would it do what it’s supposed to do? Yes.


All huge wins.

If people stop giving a f*ck about stuff that doesn’t matter, the whole Gawker Media/Lifehacker thing probably isn’t long for this world . . .

The US. They don’t have predators here and their numbers and their diets mean they wipe out local vegetation, which is to say nothing of their hooves which can erode topsoil on natural lands. They’ve been a massive problem since their introduction. And since humans, the one species that is capable of eating them in