Christian Chandia

LMFAO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†

Where did he trash the character in interviews? Please tell me you are making this up

Superman wasnā€™t happy that the DEO had Kryptonite.

But you guys were upset when ā€œBatman fucked Batgirlā€ when you should be upset more when they keep Batman around little boys

You do know Comics and Animation are two different genres yes?

Itā€™s also weird how the writers canā€™t seem to keep Batman away from little boys no?

What is sad now in 2018 if a person has a legit criticism ofa film that person will be met with vitriol, called s sexist, a racist or bigot. Itā€™s sad.

The thing is Kristen,say all you freaking want but itā€™s true, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner Ted Kennedy (who got away with actual murder of a pregnant woman) and Joe Scarborough all did evil things but they are going to get away with it. Why?

Wow looking at all the replies from the uneducated Dementedcrats made me realize the reason why America has gotten so horrible.

Oh I agree. But how bad are the Demoncrats with their pedophilia Anthony Weiner? And Rapists Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein? Or murderers like Ted Kennedy with his pregnant mistress in Chappaquiddick?

How ANYONE can watch ABCā€™s The View is a feat within itself. A show about a bunch of cackling uneducated biased hens giving their opinions thinking they are facts.

The liberal left never ceases to amaze me in 2018 LMFAO šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

There goes the mentally ill liberal-left pretending now that Democrats Are All Saints.

Then you must think Hillary Clinton is a ā€œPOSā€ as well as she sold 20% of Uranium to the Russians. Thereā€™s your ā€œRussian Collusionā€

ā€œWhy are we still listening to Steven Seagalā€? Maybe the same reason you continue listening to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama Sean Oā€™Neal

Exactly!!! They should stop playing the game

They make no sense ā€œthe game is repetitiveā€ but ā€œteam killingā€ isnā€™t? Stop playing the game. Easy fix. I am level 51 but I donā€™t kill my teammates

6 fucking months later and you twats are still talking about Russia? Got a ā€œnothing Burgerā€ Hahahaha

Van Jones made all of you libtards look quite pathetic. Journalists are not reporting, they are social engineering outcomes.

Whatā€™s the mentally ill left nutsĀ  pathetic obsession with Trump and Russia Russia Russia and his taxes? Oh wait I answered my own question